The Luban Programming Language
Peter X. Huang
2.2.1 Expression and Assignment
2.2.4 Component Property Batch Setting
2.4 Common
Operations For All Luban Types
2.4.1 Arithmetic Alike Operation Examples
2.4.2 foreach Statement And Container Type
2.4.3 Common Member Function Calls
2.6 Parallel
Computing: Threading and Synchronization
3 Introduction to Luban Component
3.2 Hello
World Structure with Input and Output..
3.3 More
On Use of Luban Structure
3.5 Name
Space Basics And Program Entry Point
4 Structure Interface and Inheritance
4.1 Structure
Interface: Property Flow Type and External Access Permission
4.2 Structure
Interface Inheritance
4.3 Luban
Inheritance Is Only For Interface
5 The Dynamic Type System of Luban
5.1 Name
of Data Type and Structure Type
5.2 Construction
of Data Type and Structure Type
5.4 Dynamic
Type Checking: isa and typeof Operators
5.6 Gate
Keeper: Typed Property and Variable
5.7 Typedef
to Save You Some Typing
6.3 The
Execution Order of Composition Cells
6.4 Dependency
Specification Rules
6.4.1 Change Nothing But Yourself, But Do Read Your
6.5 Inheritance
and Composition
7 Asynchronous Structure: Implicit
Thread and Queue
7.1 The
First Asynchronous Structure Example
7.2 Use
Asynchronous Structure to Synchronize.
7.3 What
Happens to Asynchronous Structure When Script Ends
7.4 The
Life Cycle of Asynchronous Structure
7.5 Asynchronous
Structure in Composition
7.6 Ad
Hoc Asynchronous Cell In Composition
7.7 Asynchronous
Component and Cycle In Composition
8.1 So
Long Try and Catch Madness
8.2 Error
Value Generation and Propagation
9 Utility Data Types and Structures
9.2 How
To Create, Read and Write File
9.3 Socket
Routine, Server and Client
9.4 Utility
Structures: std::println and std::print
9.5 Utility
Structure std::des
10.1 Constructing Java Object in Luban
10.2 Calling Java Object Member Functions
10.3 Calling Static Member Function
10.4 Access Java Static Fields
10.5 Access Java Instance Fields
10.6 Checking Java Object Type
10.7 Java Object Is, Actually, the Java Object Reference
10.8 Using Java GUI Widgets and Luban InvocationQueue Class
10.9 JDBC and Regular Expression Examples
10.10 Luban and Java Data Type Conversion
10.10.1 Luban to Java Conversion
10.10.2 Java to Luban Conversion
10.11 Build, Run and JVM Parameters
11.1 Code a Luban Data Type In C++
11.2 Inform Luban About The New Type
11.5 Static Constructor And Casting
11.7 Common Assumptions About Luban Data Types
12.1 Construct Object Using Reflection
12.2 Get Type Information Object Using Reflection
12.3 Set and Get Structure Property by Reflection
12.4 Call Object Member Function by Reflection
12.5 Reflection Usage Example: Remote Component Call
12.5.1 Remote Component Call Server Code
12.5.2 Remote Component Call Client Code
12.5.3 How to Run RCC Server and Client
12.5.4 Possible Improvements of Sample RCC
12.6 Reflection and Parallel Computing: A Perfect Match
13.1 Load and Run Luban Source Code Files
13.2 Interactive Mode of Luban Interpreter
13.3 Other Command Line Arguments
14 Sample Application: Topic Based
Messaging System
14.2 Messaging Service Client Code
14.3 Potential Improvements to Messaging System
Windows were shakin' all night in my
Everything was exactly the way it seems
is a component oriented programming language. Luban is named to honor a
legendary ancient Chinese civil engineer two thousand year ago whose
constructions are still in use today.
in short speaking, is a scripting language with a robust component and
composition model. Luban is easy to use. To start coding Luban requires almost
zero understanding of any high level programming concepts. If you know what you
want to do plus a minimum set of Luban’s basic features, you can code your work
with ease. Luban’s syntax is simple and clean. And Luban code requires no
explicit compiling and linking steps to run. If you like the usability of
scripting language, you will like Luban as well.
and usability are the design principles of Luban. And that is why Luban has the
unique component composition feature. Component composition is a technology
that has been used in engineering. Yet Luban is the first programming language
that directly supports component composition in software construction. Luban
component composition is analogous to spreadsheet construction. User defines a
new component by laying down sub-components and specifying dependencies among
the sub-components. Composition fits a range of problems that could be awkward
to code in traditional procedural way. More importantly, composition is simple
and intuitive. Any one who can use a spreadsheet can immediately understand
Luban component composition.
also fully supports component oriented programming paradigm in which users can
easily share and reuse component. Luban’s component design is similar to Java
Bean, yet much more robust. You may ask that why not use object oriented
paradigm. The answer is object oriented design is probably too complicated for
general scripting language users. Scripting language needs its own component
model to go further than coding ad hoc short script, and its component model should
be simpler than class.
component features include component interface definition and inheritance,
component name space, built-in multi-threading, dynamic component loading and
dynamic type checking. You can start using Luban only for scripting and later
may find these component features handy when you try to collect your Luban
scripts into one or more coherent systems.
conclusion, Luban is an integration layer programming language that has both
the usability of scripting language and the scalability of structured language.
The goal of Luban is to present a simple component oriented programming tool to
programmers and a potentially much wider audience that may never have been able
to program before. The design is to empower people who have the field knowledge
to directly code and share their knowledge in the form of software components,
no matter if they are professional programmer or not.
In the beginner's mind there are many
the expert's mind there are few.
- Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Master
This chapter introduces the basic procedural code constructions in Luban through examples. This chapter is all you need to read for basic Luban scripting. The syntax of Luban procedural code is very much like simplified C++ or Java. Basically a valid Luban script is a series of one or more Luban statements, separated by either semicolon or bracket. Change of line doesn’t mean much for Luban. So in theory you can put all your code in one big line and claim you finish a system in a single line of code.
Nothing better illustrates a programming language than code examples. And all self-respecting languages start with a “Hello, world” example. Luban is no exception.
Type above line into a file
named “helloworld.lbn”. Then you can run your first Luban program by type the
following in your command prompt of your operating system:
> luban helloworld.lbn
This simple “Hello, world”
Luban example code does one thing that is to call one Luban component structure
of type std::println with its input
property “obj” set to string “Hello, world!”. This component call trigger the
evaluation of std::println that prints out the “Hello, world!” message on
console screen..
The basic procedural
constructions of Luban consist of expressions and statements. If you know C++
or Java, you can skip most of this section except the foreach statement and multi-threading part.
most basic Luban statement can be an expression or an assignment statement. Listed
below are different kinds of Luban expressions, in the order of precedence.
3.14; true; false; “Hello”; ‘a’;
are also expressions. Luban’s variable name rule is the same as C/C++/Java
varx; _varx_; v123;
object and component construction:
[ 1,2,3, x, y, z, a+b ]; // vector construction
“one”: 1, “two” : 2 }; // map construction
“one”, “two” }; // set construction
double(“3.1415”); // double type construction
‘r’); // open file
//Luban component construction
prp1 = 100 ); // component call
Container element access,
data object member function call, component property access and component
object call.
mymap[“one”]; // map indexing
= y[2]; // vector or map indexing
// data object member function call
= allines.split(‘\n’); // data object member function call
input1=1.1, input2=2.2); // component object call
operand operators, ++ -- and negation:
++i; --i; i++;
i--; // i will be changed
y =
-x; // x is not changed, y get the –x
Common arithmetic operations:
1+2; 10.0*3.0; 50%3; 50/3; “Hello, “+”world”;
Type checking operations:
objx isa string;
typeof(objx) == string;
Equality and order checking:
x == y;
x != y; x > y; x < y; x >= y; x <= y;
or false; x and y; not true; not a and not b;
true || false; x && y; ! true; ! a && !b; // for people who know C/C++/Java
> y ? x: y;
x = 1; x += 1; x[index] = 2; = 3; x*=2; x/=3;
The details of some of the expressions like property reference and component call can be found in later chapters.
Luban has a set of common flow control statements. The below is a brief list and examples of usage.
IF statement:
if ( a>b )
IF-ELSE statement:
if ( a>b )
result = a; else result = b;
WHILE statement:
while ( x < 100
) ++ x;
FOR statement:
for( i=0; i<100;
++i) std::console().writeline(vec[i]);
for(;;); // forever
FOREACH statement:
foreach( key, value
in {“one”:1, “two”:2} )
‘ ‘, value);
element in [ 1,2,3 ] )
BREAK statement, used to jump out of a loop:
i=0; ; i++) if ( i>100 ) break;
statement, used to jump to the beginning of a loop:
i=0; ; i++) if ( i<=100 ) continue;
else break;
statement, terminate the code execution in current component.
WAIT statement, wait for all dispatched threads to
WAITFOR statement, wait for thread(s) associated
with specific variable(s) to finish.
waitfor x,y,z;
CANCEL statement, cancel and join all dispatched
Details for these thread related statements can be
found later in this chapter.
Using bracket {} to collect one or more statement
together makes a compound statement. You can use compound statement anywhere
you use a regular statement. For example:
( x <100 or y < 200 ) { x++; y++;
You can set multiple properties of a component in one statement, as below:
prp2=2, prp3=3);
To put comments into Luban
code is the same as C++. Anything from //
to the end of line are comments. Anything between a /* to a */ are comments
too. For example:
; //
This line does nothing
/* this line does nothing either */
Luban has a set of native
data types to support most common operations. Below describes the native data
types and their relations.
The key words for double
(double precision floating point number) and integer types are double and int in Luban. Their relationship is similar to the double and int
type in C. As below examples:
10/3; // result is integer 3
10.0/3.0; // result is double 3.333333…
10/3.0; // result is double 3.3333… mix
double and int, result in double
0 == 0.0; // result is true, you can mix and
compare double and int
2 > 0.1; // result is true, you can mix and
compare double and int
y=x.format(“.4”); //
y= “1.2346” format to 4th decimal place
z =
int(x); // z is 1, cast double into integer
xstring =
= double(xstring); // x = 1.23456x10^7
construct double from string
The key word for Boolean
type is bool. Boolean can only be true or false. And unlike C, There is no implicit casting to and from any
other type. And the operators for Boolean type data are not, and, or. Applying arithmetic operation to Boolean type will
result in error. The condition expression used in IF, WHILE and FOR statements
must result in Boolean too, or the Luban code execution will stop.
more thing to mention is that if you like, you can still use the C style
&&, || and ! operators in place of and,
or, not.
Character type key word is char. It contains a single character.
Below code example shows some operations on character type.
onechar =’a’; onechar <= ‘z’; ++onechar)
Above Luban program prints
out “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” on screen..
= int (‘a’); // NinetySeven = 97, char to ASCII
= char(97); // Lettera=’a’, ASCII to
String type key word is string. The below example Luban code
shows operations for string type.
s = “Hello”; c =
s[1]; // result is ‘e’
s = “Hello”; s[0] =
‘h’; // s becomes “hello”
s = “Hello”; foreach(
c in s ) std::console().write( c ); //
will print out Hello
s = “Hello”*2; // result is “HelloHello”
s = -“Hello”; //
result is “olleH”
s = “Hello” + “World”;
// result “HelloWorld”
// below are member
function examples
s = “Hello World”;
words = s.split( ); // words is a vector [“Hello”, “World”]
// trim white space from front and
s =
“ Hello”;
s.trimfront(); // s becomes “Hello”
s = “Hello \n\t”;
s.trimback(); // s become “Hello”
index=s.find(“Hell”); // index = 0
index2=s.find(“Hell”,2); // index =
null, faled to find Hell starting from index 2l
index3=s.find(“Heaven”); // index3 =
null failed to find
truth=s.contains(“Hell”); // truth =
sub=s.substr(2,3); // sub=”ll” from
index 2 to index 3
// content manipulation
s.replace(“Hell”, “Heaven”); // now
s becomes “Heaveno”
s.lower(); // s becomes “heaveno”;
s.upper(); // s = “HEAVENO”
s.remove(6); // s=”HEAVEN”, with 0
at index 6 removed
s.remove(“A”); // s=”HEVEN”;
s.insert(1, “A”); // s=”HEAVEN”;
s.clear(); // s=””
Vector type key word is vector.
x = 1; y=2; z=3; v
= [x,y,z,4]; // v = [ 1,2,3,4]
v[0] = 10; // v =
total =
0; foreach( element in v ) total +=
element; // total =
v.sort(); // v become [2,3,4,10]
v2 = v+
[11,12,13]; // v2 become [2,3,4,10,11,12,13]
v2.remove(0); // v2 become [3,4,10,11,12,13]
// v2 become [3,4,11,12,13]
v3 = [ v2,v2]; // v3 is two dimensional vector
// push and pop
x.pushfirst(0); // x =[0,1,2]
x.pushlast(3); // x=[0,1,2,3]
y=x.popfirst(); // y=0, x=[1,2,3];
z=x.poplast(); // y=3, x=[1,2]
Map type key word is map. Keys are unique in a map. Code examples:
x=1; y=2; z = 3;
word2number = { “one” : x, “two” : y,
“three” : z };
word2number[“four”] = 4; // insert or replace
word2nubmer.remove(“one”); // remove key “one” and
associated 1
word2number.insert(“two”,2.0); // no impact because key
already exist
union = word2number + { “five”:5, “six”:6};
foreach(key,val in word2number )
std::console().writeline(key,’ ‘,val); // iterate
emptymap = {:};
key word is set. Set is simply a
collection of unique values. See examples:
oneset = { 1, “hello”, 3.14 };
another = { 1,2};
union = oneset + another;
// union = { 1,2,”hello”,3.14}
minus = oneset – another ; // minus = { “hello”, 3.14},
common values removed
joint = oneset – minus; // joint = {1}, the common values
of oneset and another
foreach( val in oneset )
std::console().writeline(val); //
emptyset = {};
operations among vector, set and map:
= { 1,2,3}; onevec = vector(oneset);
keyvec=[‘a’,’b’]; valvec = [‘A’,’B’]; onemap =
map(keyvec, valvec);
All the common operations like +-*/%, [] (indexing),
member function call and type casting can be applied
on all Luban data types, though foreach
statement can be applied on all Luban container data types. Though the actual
results of the operations may differ depending on the data objects in the
operation. There could be the case the particular operator does not apply to
the data object, and the operation will result in error value in that case. It
is part of Luban’s polymorphism. The same operation results differently for
different data types.
// A+B operations
= 1 + 1; // numtwo = 2
= “1” + “1”; // stroneone = “11”
vec =
[1]+[1]; // vec = [ 1, 1]
s = {
1 } + { 1 }; // s = {1}, set merge
m = {
1:10 }+{ 2:20}; // m = { 1:10, 2:20 }, map
err =
“1” + 1; // err = error, can not add string and integer
= true + false; // err = error can not add logical values
//A –
B operations
= 1 – 1; // zero = 0
= { 1,2,3} – { 3,4,5 }; //varset = {1,2} remove common elements of two sets
err =
[1]-[1]; // err = error, can not
subtract vectors
// -X
x =
-100; // x = -100
vec =
- [ 1,2,3]; // vec =[3,2,1] vector negation reverses element order
str = - “abc”;
// str = “cba” string negation is order reversing
= -false; // truth = true logical value
negation equals NOT operation
err =
- ‘a’; // err = error, can not negate
char type
// A*B
x =
2*2; // x = 4
str =
“ab”*2; // str = “abab” string multiplied by integer
vec =
[1,2]*2; // vec = [1,2,1,2] vector
multiplied by integer
// A/B operations
x =
100/3; // x = 33 integer division
= 100.0/3.0; // xfloat = 33.3333…. float number
// A%B
= 100 % 3 ; // xmod = 1
// ++
x =
y =
++x; // x=1, y=1, x goes up by one
first, then assign to y
z =
y++; // z =1; y =2; y assign to z first then goes up by one
x = ‘a’;
++x; // x=
‘b’ next of ‘a’ is ‘b’
operator is actually the reversion of ++ operator. Below are examples for
operation-and-assign operators.
x += 10; // same as x = x+10;
x -=
10; // same as x = x-10;
x /=
10; // same as x = x/10;
x *=
10; // same as x = x*10;
x %= 10; // same as x = x%10;
is straight forward that operation-and-assign operator is faster than the
equivalent two-step operation then assign operation.
foreach statement only applies to container types including vector, map, set and
string types. Applying it on non-container type will result in the termination
of evaluation of the current Luban component.
X = 3.1415;
y in x ) // ERROR! Terminate here
Below is an example of correct
use of foreach statement.
x in [10,20,30] ) std::println(obj=x);
Above code will print 10,20,30,
one number per line.
All Luban data object has member functions. The member
functions for each data object are defined by the type of that data object.
Though there are a collection of common member functions available for all
Luban data types, including both built-in and user defined types. The below is
the list of those common member functions and their descriptions.
H= x.hash(); // hash key for the object, default value 0
S= x.size(); // apply to container and string type,
default value error
Y = x.contains(y); // apply to
string and container type
x.clear(); // apply to string and container
guts = x.serialize(); // returns the
binary guts stream in a string
h = x.invoke(“hash”); // call member
function hash in a reflective way
funcmap = x.allfuncs(); // map containing all member functions and
obj = std::des(stream=guts).obj; //
restore object from guts string
The above last line is not a member function call. It
just shows how to use the string generated from serialize() function call. All member function calls will return
error value when error happens in the call.
Null is a special value in
Luban, its key word is null. Null can
be used in expressions just like a normal constant. The null value is special in
the following two ways. First the null value
is the default setting for all variables and properties. Second the null value is of no type.
Error type is a special type
in Luban, with key word error. Value
of error type can be generated by
Luban internal operations, or explicitly constructed by Luban code. All member
function calls return error value if things go wrong inside the function. For
errval = 1/0;
if ( not errval isa
error )
Luban engine is on fire”);
expliciterr = error(“Hey, I am a born error”);
Multi-threading is a built-in part of Luban, as the below sample code shows.
myjobs::dothis(arg=100) & // dispatch the expression in a
different thread
=200) & // dispatch thread
{ c.doOne(); d.doTwo(); } & // dispatch a block
wait; // wait for all
three threads to finish
You can selectively wait for certain thread to finish, as far as the thread can be associated with a variable. For example:
= y.domagic() & a = b.dogood() & // dispatch two threads
waitfor x; // wait
for first thread to finish
{ x = y.domagic(); a = b.dogood(); } &
{ c = d.doevil(); f = g.wastetime(); } &
waitfor f; // wait for the second thread to finish, the
thread is identifiable by the last assignment variable
Luban engine guarantees the object integrity in the multi-threading environment. If more than one threads operating on the same object, the order of operation is not deterministic, though the integrity of each individual operation is guaranteed. Luban maintains object integrity by allowing only one thread to operate on a variable at any time of execution. Though if user builds a data type internally doing pointer reference counting, then user is responsible to make this data type thread safe. Because Luban can only see different variables and there is no way for Luban to be aware of the internal data sharing of the user data type.
One question is what will happen to those dispatched threads when the main execution thread comes to an end. By default Luban will wait for every dispatched thread to finish before doing the cleaning up. So it is like there is a hidden wait statement at the end of all scripts and structures. You can change this behavior by explicitly using cancel statement.
Take a look at this example:
{ x += i; } &
The above seemingly innocent
code will almost certain fail because it will try to start 10000 threads that
will likely be more than any machine can handle. Above code will start one
thread per loop. The right way to put a loop into a thread is to whole loop
into a pair of brace brackets like below:
for(i=0;i<10000:++i) { x += i; } }
Thread can be tricky
sometimes. For example, the below simple code can produce output that surprise
for( i=1; i<=10;
++i )
At the first look, you would think the program print
out number 1 to 10 in that order. But the truth is that the program will print
out 10 numbers, but which 10 numbers and the order of the numbers are
undetermined. The print could vary at each run of the program.
The root of chaos is the thread dispatching part of
this code. Every print operation will be dispatched to a different thread. So
ten threads will be dispatched. Together the main thread, there will be eleven
threads running in this code. The execution order of these eleven threads is
not deterministic.
You can use the wait
and waitfor statements to control
the thread execution. Plus there is another tool can be used to tame the chaos.
The tool is called Asynchronous Structure. And it will be described later in
chapter seven.
On handling variables and objects, the major difference between Luban and other major languages like C++ and Java, is that all objects and variables in Luban are passing by value. There is no reference or pointer type in Luban. When assigning one variable to another in Luban, the object is semantically copied instead of passing a reference like in Java. Actually Luban’s value semantics is very similar to C, except Luban does not have the pointer type. For example:
a = [1,2,3];
b = a;
b = b + [4,5]; // b = [1,2,3,4,5]
and a = [1,2,3]
The reason behind the design of Luban’s value semantics is simplicity. Value semantics is straightforward and intuitive, requiring almost zero learning to understand.
The least flexible component of any system
is the user.
This chapter introduces the basics of Luban component model. The foundation stone of Luban component model is the Luban structure, which is indicated by a key word struct in Luban. The below will show how to define and use a Luban structure.
Suppose our hello-world program becomes so popular that we want to reuse it as a component. The way to do it is to define the hello-world code as a Luban structure, as below example shows:
namespace demo;
struct helloworld( )
as process
Now let’s save the above code as file “hello.lbn”. Then we can write the below script to call this component.
We then save this script as “callhello.lbn”. And finally we can run this new componentized hello-world program by typing the following command in the command window of your operating system:
Mycomputer > luban hello.lbn
Hello, world!
Let’s take a look at this new hello-world program in details. In “hello.lbn” file, we define a Luban structure named “helloworld”. Luban requires every component must reside in a name space. That is why we see the line “namespace demo;” at the top. So the full name of this component is “demo::helloworld”. The key words “as process” indicate the body of the Luban structure is a process. The difference between a process structure and other structure will be discussed in later chapters. All we need to know now is that we can use all the constructions used for scripting in the body of a process structure.
In the next script “callhello.lbn”. We make a call to the component by using its full name. The syntax “(=)” indicates a dynamic call to a Luban structure. The details of the dynamic call to a Luban structure can be found in later chapter and here we only need to know the call will invoke the execution of the code in the Luban structure “demo::helloworld”.
One thing need to be mentioned here is that in the above example Luban source code, there is no referring to the actual source code file name, component is only referred by its full name. This is no incidental, it is purposely designed so to avoid hard coding source code media. Yet we don’t care about this for now.
The previous example defines a Luban component structure without any input and output properties. In practice, a component as a processing unit may need input and output properties to pass information, as the below example shows:
namespace demo;
struct greeting
as process
msg =
input.saywhat + “, “ + input.towhom + ‘!’;
= msg;
The above Luban code defines a Luban structure with two input properties, saywhat and towhom. The internal process of the structure combine the two input property values into a single greeting message and set it to output property named greetingmsg. The side effect of this structure is to print out the greeting message to the console. As we can see, inside the structure, “” is the convention used to refer input and output properties.
As you can see from the example, a Luban structure definition has two parts. First is the structure interface definition, which is defined by listing the input and output properties in between the parenthesis after the structure name. The second part is the internal implementation of the structure. In this the internal of the structure is defined as a process with code between the brackets.
Now let’s save this Luban component code as “helloio.lbn”. Then we need to write a script to use this new component, as below:
Save the above one line in a file named “callhelloio.lbn”, then run the following command on your operating system like below:
Mycomputer > luban helloio.lbn
Hello, world!
From the example, arguments are passed into structure to be called by using propertyname=value pairs in parenthesis. The syntax difference between a Luban structure call and regular function call in C is that instead of lining up the arguments by order, arguments are explicitly paired with input properties by name.
So far the previous examples show the use of Luban structure in a way just like calling functions. But there is a key difference between C function and Luban structure. Luban structure is object with state indicated by its property values, while C function is mostly stateless. Luban structure is more flexible and can be used in many different ways, as below example shows:
greeter = demo::greeting(saywhat=””,
towhom=””); // call component
greeter.saywhat =
“Hello”; // print Hello,!
greeter.towhom =
“world”; // print Hello, world!
to meet you”); // print Nice to meet you, world!
greeter(=); // print Hello, world!
greeter.(saywhat =
“How are you”, towhom=”Luban”); // print How are you,Luban!
// print How are you,Luban!
= greeter.greetingmsg; // read component object output property
print How are you, Luban!
Save this file as “callhelloalt.lbn”, then run the script as below:
Mycomputer > luban helloio.lbn
Nice to meet you,world!
How are you, Luban!
How are you, Luban!
How are you, Luban!
Here we explain some details of the script line by line. The first line construct a Luban structure, assign to a variable, while triggering the execution of the structure once in the process. That is why we see a “,!” output line above. The next line set the value “Hello” into the input property named “saywhat” of the structure in variable “greeter” and the setting of input trigger the execution of the structure. That’s why we see the second output line “Hello,!”. Similar process happens for the third line of code, which sets the property “towhom” to value “world”. The fourth line is a structure call to a structure variable instead of to a structure type name as we previously know. And this call overrides the property “saywhat” with value “Nice to meet you”, making the fourth output line “Nice to meet you, world!”.
It is important to know that the call to a structure does NOT change the state of the structure at all. Even with the explicit overriding of property values in the call, the property values of the original structure remain the same during the call. Actually the structure call generates a temporarily new structure that can be assigned to a different variable. And that explains the fifth line of code calling the original structure without arguments ends up printing the same greeting as before.
As mentioned above, property setting will trigger the execution of the structure. Sometimes we may want to set multiple properties while we only want one code execution after we finish. That is why we have the sixth line, which setting multiple properties of the structure to different values, and executing the code once the settings of properties finish. And that is why we see the sixth output line “How are you, Luban!”. Just to show the setting of multiple properties does change the state of the structure, the seventh line set the structure property again though this time without actual arguments. It still triggers one evaluation and that’s why we see the “How are you, Luban” output once again. The last line of the script read the output property “greetingmsg” of the structure and print it to console. That’s the third “How are you, Luban!” from.
It is necessary to once again iterate the pass by value semantics of Luban. The passing of arguments in Luban structure call is by value, plus it is a one way street. What happens inside the structure has no possible impact on the caller. For example, the following code will result in syntax error:
namespace demo;
struct NotWorkingSwapObj
as process
temp =
input.x =
input.y; // this line has syntax error
input.y =
temp; // this line has syntax error too
The reason for the syntax error is that Luban does NOT allow assignment toward input property inside a structure. Inside the structure input properties can only be read.
There are two kinds of Luban source code unit ( i.e file ) that Luban interpreter accepts. One is Luban script, which is a sequence of Luban process statements and expressions. Luban interpreter will simply execute the script upon request.
Another kind of source code unit is component structure definition module that defines Luban structures. The first line of a component definition module must be the definition of name space in which the following structures will reside. Luban name space uses a syntax similar to C++ name space. When Luban interpreter encounter a component definition module, it will scan the module and register the structure components into a global name space data structure so it can be used in later call. Luban script can be used as the entry point of an application or system, while Luban component definition module can be used like library.
Different towns, different people,
Somehow they're all the same.
Long Time
Gone, Bob Dylan
Component oriented programming can be compared with LEGO toys in many aspects. First you need to put the parts into the right boxes so you can easily find them out when you need them. That is what Luban name space does: put components into organized places. Second you need to recognize the parts by their shape and the way they make connections so you can use them in the right place. And that is what Luban structure interface and inheritance do: formalizing the contract with external world by defining interface, and reflecting the similarity among different components by inheritance. The goal of Luban name space, structure interface and inheritance is the same: to keep our component workshop nice and neat.
As shown by the examples in previous chapter, the interface of Luban structure consists of a list of different kind of properties. The previous examples have shown the basic usage of input and output properties. And below we describe all different kind of properties and their behavior in a little formal way.
There are four different kinds of flow types for properties in Luban: input, output, store and static. And the properties can have different read/write permission for external depending on their flow type. There are three kind of permissions: readwrite, readonly and hidden, and using these key words can only change the access permission for external caller. From within the structure the access permission for properties are predefined and unchangeable. The purpose of this design is to define a general framework of information flow for Luban components. The below table shows the details:
input: For external, readwrite. For internal, read only. Both unchangeable.
Change of value triggers evaluation of the structure.
output: For external, readonly. For internal, write only. Both unchangeable.
Value can only be changed from internal by evaluation.
store: For
external, hidden by default, changeable
to readwrite or readonly
For internal, both read and write.
Change of value does not trigger evaluation.
static: For external, readwrite by default, changeable to hidden or readonly
For internal, both read and write.
Change of value does not trigger evaluation.
Accessible only through structure type name.
From the above table and previous examples, we can see that for a Luban structure data flows from input to output. And the flow can no way be reversed. This flow model is as fundamental for Luban as function semantics for C.
We have known input and output properties from examples. The below example shows the use of store and static properties:
namespace demo;
struct aggregator
input incoming;
output total;
store sofar=0;
as process
store.sofar =
store.sofar + input.incoming; =
struct useagecounter
static readonly
as process
Let’s save above code into a file “storenstatic.lbn”. Then we can test our new structures with the below script:
// testing aggregator
agg = demo::aggregator();
for(i=1; i<=100;i++) agg.incoming = i;
// test static
counter1 = demo::useagecounter();
counter2 = demo::useagecounter();
counter1(=); counter2(=);
Then we save the above script as file “testsns.lbn”. Afterwards we run the test by typing the following in the command window:
> luban storenstatic.lbn testsns.lbn
The structure “aggregator” adds all numbers setting to its “incoming” property together and output the total to “total” property. The store property “sofar” in aggregator is used for internal state keeping. Because Luban prohibits reading value back from output properties, store property is used when some state data need to be remembered among different evaluations. Store property is similar to private data of C++ class.
The structure “useagecounter” maintains a global static property “totaleval” to count the number of evaluations of the structure. The static property is actually associated with structure type instead of structure instance. From outside the structure, the static property can only be referred by <structure type name> .<static property name>. From within the structure, it can be accessed using internal property naming convention that is <flow type>.<property name>.
The interface is the service contract of structure with the external world. We have seen the property flow types and external access permission key words, which are basic terms that can be used to draft such a contract.
The structure interface declares what each individual structure type does. Though when the number of different structure type grows, a large collection of unrelated structure interfaces are still difficult to remember and manage. And that is where the Luban structure interface inheritance come to help.
Similar to the class inheritance concept in Object-Oriented programming, we want to take the advantage of commonalities among different components by categorizing them using inheritance. The idea is that it is easier to understand ten animal kind than to understand one hundred individual strange animals. The below example shows how to code inheritance in Luban:
namespace demo;
struct DualOp
as process
output.result =
error(“No actually operation for general dual operand”);
struct Adder implements ::DualOp
as process
output.result =
input.op1 + input.op2;
The above Luban code defines two structures. Structure “DualOp” is a general interface for two operand operations. Structure “Adder” inherits its interface from “DualOp” and implements the internal to add two inputs together and set to output.
You may notice the syntax “::DualOp”, which is a short name for “demo::DualOp”. All Luban’s structure type names are full name. The short name can be used if the name space of the referred Luban type is the same as the name space of the caller component.
From this example, we can see that “Adder” inherits all input and output properties from “DualOp” and does not define any new property of its own. And we need to mention here that ONLY input and output property can be inherited. The store and static property can NOT be inherited. The reason for this design is to make interface inheritance simple.
Unlike the general Object-Oriented languages like Java and C++, Luban’s inheritance mechanism is only for the interface. When one Luban structure inherits from another, only the interface of the parent structure is taken, and that excludes store and static properties. If you wish to use the internal implementation of the parent structure, you need to express you intention explicitly, as below example shows:
// this example uses the Adder structure
defined in previous example
namespace demo;
struct AdderWithUseCount implements
static usecount=0;
as process
output =
The above example defines a structure “AdderWithUseCount” that works the same as the structure “Adder”, only with one more static usage counter property to count the number of evaluations.
The magic in this example is the last line of the structure process code. This line simply says: take the portion of input inherited from “Adder” structure, feed to a call to structure “Adder”, then take the output of this call and set to the output of structure “AdderWithUseCount”.
What actually happens in this example is very much like AdderWithUseCount inherits both interface and implementation from Adder. Though the taking of “Adder” structure’s implementation is explicitly stated in one line of code. The purpose of this design is to avoid the tricky ambiguity issue for inheritance by allowing programmer to state intention explicitly. Luban allows multiple inheritance of structure interfaces.
Similar to interface concept of Java and pure virtual class of C++, Luban has abstract structure to represent pure structure interface. Abstract structure can be used for inheritance and type checking. We can redo our “Adder” example using abstract structure like below.
namespace demo;
abstract struct DualOp
struct Adder implements ::DualOp
as process
output.result =
input.op1 + input.op2;
In above sample code, we define an abstract structure named demo::DualOp and demo::Adder inherits its interface and implements actual operation. The inheritance relationship can be checked with type checking expression, like below Luban code shows:
adder = demo::Adder();
test = adder isa demo::DualOp;
The value of the variable test in above example is Boolean value true. The details of type checking expression can be found in next chapter.
Abstract structure can only be used for inheritance and type checking. Construction of abstract structure not allowed. For example, below Luban expression results in error value.
errvalue = demo::DualOp();
Cyclic inheritance is not allowed in Luban. Not only
direct cyclic inheritance among structure interfaces is not allowed. All
structure type names used inside structure interface definition including names
used in property data type definition and property value initialization
expression are considered part of its dependent symbols. Luban requires all its
dependent symbols (interface ) resolved before the structure interface can be
resolved itself. Thus cyclic reference among dependent symbols will also result
in error. For example, below Luban structure definitions are invalid because of
cyclic reference of structure type symbols.
namespace demo;
struct TweedleDee
x =
as process
output.y = 1.0;
struct TweedleDum
a =
as process
output.b = 1.0;
The above two structure “TweedleDee” and “TweedleDum”,
though they don’t directly inherit from each other, they refer to each other in
their property initialization expressions. And that is also cyclic interface
definition and it is invalid.
Stationary Structure in Luban is used purely to hold
data. It can be used almost the same way as a generic map data object. But the
difference with Stationary Structure and map is that Stationary Structure is
typed (so type checking works for it) and it is much faster than generic map
data type. It is a good practice to define always bundled data stream as
Stationary Structure to make it standard, similar to data bus concept in
hardware design. Below sample code shows how to use Stationary Structure.
namespace demo;
stationary struct GlobalStation
static hostname,
cpuinfo, osinfo;
stationary struct DataPair
name, value;
Above code defines two Stationary Structure, one to
hold static global information, another one to collect two always paired data
item into a single structure.
By default the properties defined in Stationary
Structure always have their access permission as readwrite unless otherwise explicitly specified.
Stationary Structure can be inherited, serialized and
de-serialized the same way as regular structures.
Life is a box of chocolate,
You never know what you’re gonna get
As we all agree with Forest Gump about life’s unpredictability, we may cope with it by checking each chocolate before we take a bite. And that is exactly what Luban’s dynamic type system does. An object can be anything, yet you can check what it is if you want to.
All the objects inside Luban can be separated into two categories: data types and structure types. Structure types are the components coded in Luban. You can create as many kinds of Luban structure types as you wish just like you can code as many functions as you wish in C.
Data types are those built-in and/or imported data types with predefined set of member functions and applicable operators. Map, set, vector, double, int, bool, char and string are the examples of built-in data types, while std::file, net::socket are examples of imported C++ data types. The fundamental difference between structure type and data type is that you can not code a new data type with Luban. One design philosophy of Luban is that the basic data types are low level software elements that should be accessible from Luban, but Luban should not be used to make low level elements. Just like bricks are used to build house, instead of bigger bricks. Luban’s belief is there should be a fundamental programming paradigm shift from software element level to component level.
Though structure types and data types are naturally different. They still obey a more or less common set of rules. These rules are to be discussed in this chapter.
The naming rule of Luban data type and structure type are the same. They all must be a full name with name space. But Luban built-in types are keywords and do not need name space prefix. For example:
// built-in type
std::file; // standard imported data type
net::listener; // imported data type
net::socket; // imported data type
std::print; // a structure type
The name space part in a type name can be omitted only when referred in a component that resides in the same name space, as below code shows:
namespace std;
struct print
input obj;
as process
The above code simply wraps the calling of member function of std::console type in a structure named std::print. We can see the referring to std::console in std::print structure does not use the name space part.
The syntax of object construction in Luban is type name followed by parenthesis, as shown in the below example:
// print hello world
console = std::console();
console.writeline(“Hello, world!”);
// print hello world again
printer = std::print();
printer.obj = “Hello, world!\n”;
Parameters can be used in the object construction. But the syntax of argument passing is different for data type and structure type. Look at the below example:
// create file as data type
file = std::file(“helloworld”, ‘w’);
file.writeline(“Hello, world!”);
// print hello world to console
printer = std::print(obj = “Hello,
To pass parameters into data type construction, you just need to line the parameter values up. To construct a structure with specified property values, you need to pair up the property names with its values. Another big difference for structure construction with specified property values is that if the specified properties include input property, the structure will be evaluated once after construction. Yet the structure construction without any specified property values does not trigger any evaluation.
Type casting in Luban is just an object construction with a single argument. Like below:
int(“100”); // result 100
string(100); // result “100”
double(100); // result 100.0
int(3.1415); // result 3
Casting to string type is special because it is universally enabled for all Luban built-in and imported data types. Actually when std::console type is asked to print an object, it will cast the object to a string then print the string.
Type casting does not apply to structure type.
You can dynamically check the type of any object in Luban with isa and typeof operators, as shown in below Luban script:
d = 3.1416;
s = std::file(“pie”, ‘w’);
check type and decide what to do
if ( d isa double and s isa
std::file )
s.writeline(“The end of
world is coming”);
// do the same thing in a different
if ( typeof(d) == double and typeof(s)
== std::file )
s.writeline(“The end of
world is coming”);
The structure interface inheritance is taken into account for type checking. For example the variable “test” in below Luban code has value true because structure demo::Adder inherits interface from demo::DualOp ( Previous example):
adder = demo::Adder();
test = adder isa demo::DualOp; //
test = true
One unique feature of Luban is type expression, which gives more power and flexibility to Luban’s type system. Type expression is part of the Luban expression. The result of type expression can be assigned to variable and passed around just like normal object. The details of type expression can be shown in the following Luban code examples:
Type name alone can be a valid type expression.
stype = string; // type name is type
if ( not “Hello” isa dtype )
Multi-type type expression is a collection of different type expressions. The isa operator returns true if the type of object matches one of the types in a multi-type.
streamtype = < std::file, net::socket
s1 = std::file(“destfile”,’w’);
s2 = net::socket(“destserver”, 6500);
if ( s1 isa streamtype and s2 isa
streamtype ) std::println(obj = “Good”);
Enumerated type is a collection of constants. The isa operator returns true if the value of object equals any one of the collection. Look at the below example:
littleprime = < 1,2,3,5,7 >;
test = 5 isa littleprime; // test =
The type name for type object is typeinfo. Below shows how it works:
stringtype = string;
test = stringtype isa typeinfo; //
test = true
There are tools in Luban to enforce strong typing policy if necessary. The type of property can be explicitly declared with type expression in structure interface definition to make sure only the objects of specified type can pass through. And also local variable can be bound to certain type using type expression. The setting of object of wrong type to a typed variable will result in the abortion of structure evaluation or script execution.
We can see the use of typed variable from below Luban code:
double dx;
dx = “Hello”; // evaluation aborts
std::console().writeline(“You should
never see me, the world should have ended before me”);
The above example assigns a string value to a variable “dx” that is a variable with predefined type double. The assignment results in the aborting of the evaluation of the script. So the last line of code should never be executed and the print should never appear on screen.
The below example shows the use of typed property in structure interface:
namespace demo;
struct powertoint
< double,
int > base;
int power;
as process
result = 1;
for( I = 0; I <
input.power; I++)
result *=
output.result = result;
We can save the above code to a file “powerint.lbn”. Then we can write another script to call this new component, as below
sqr = demo::powertoint( base = 4, power = 2
).result; // pwr = 4*4
sqrt = demo::powertoint( base = 4,
power = 0.5 ).result;
if ( sqrt isa error )
std::println(obj=”Good, to get square root failed as expected”);
pwrcalc = demo::powertoint();
pwrcalc.power = 0.5; // evaluation
stops here
std::println(obj=”Surprise! World
should have ended before me”);
We then save the above script as “testpowerint.lbn” and start the test like the following:
> luban powerint.lbn testpowerint.lbn
Good, to get square root failed as expected
We can see the first evaluation of demo::powertoint succeeded and gave result 16 to print. The second structure call having property “power” set to 0.5 that violates the int type of the property results in an error value, causing the printing of “square root failed” message. The line before the last line sets a double value into the property “power” of int type, causing the evaluation to stop. That’s why we don’t see the last line get executed.
You can use typedef to define a symbol that is just
the alias of another symbol. You can save some typing or create a layer of
encapsulation in this way, as below code shows.
std::print print;
Now you have a symbol
“demo::print” that is an alias to the real type “std::print”.
You can also use typedef to
define commonly used type expression as a symbol, like below:
<std::file, net::socket, std::console> media;
Now you have a type symbol
“media” that represents one of the three types.
Poor boy, pickin' up sticks
Build ya a house out of mortar and bricks
So far we have learnt how to script Luban and write Luban structure component as process code. As we mentioned before, there is another way to define a Luban structure, which is composition. The way composition defines a Luban structure is to lay out the sub-components and specify the dependencies among them. The evaluation mechanism of composition cell is to propagate the data change. The Luban structure defined as composition has the same interface as process structure and can be used the same way. In this chapter, we go through the component composition with a series of examples.
The basic format of Luban composition is simply a list of sub-components. The sub-component in a composition is called component cell. Each component cell has a name and a definition. The definition of the component cell specifies the content of the component cell and its dependencies with other component cells outside. The below example illustrate a basic composition:
namespace demo;
struct simplecomp ( output oneoone; )
as composition
A1: 100;
A2: A1+1;
output.oneoone: A2;
The above composition computes 100+1 in a way like spreadsheet. There are three component cells in above structure. A1 contains a number 100. A2’s content is an expression “A1+1”. The last one with a special name links the result of A2 cell with output property “oneoone”. Then we use the below Luban script to call this structure:
result = demo::simplecomp(=).oneoone; //
result = 101
To show the difference between composition and process, we change the structure “simplecomp” to below:
namespace demo;
struct simplecomp ( output oneoone; )
as composition
output.oneoone: A2;
A2: A1+1;
A1: 100;
The structure “simplecomp” behaves exactly the same as before. In Luban composition, the order of listing of the component cells does not matter, as far as all the cells and their dependencies remain the same, unlike the process structure for which the order of operations is essential.
There are two kinds of component cells that can be used in a Luban composition, ad hoc cell and typed cell. We discuss these two kinds of cells in this section.
Ad hoc cell contents are very much like what people normally put into spreadsheet cells. They can be constants, expressions. In Luban composition, the ad hoc cell can also contain Luban script code to do more sophisticated processing, as shown below:
namespace demo;
struct compadhoc
input in1, in2;
output out;
as composition
A1: input.in1 + 1;
A2: input.in2 + 1;
A3: { std::println(obj=“run
A3”); A3=A1*A2; }
A4: { std::println(obj=“run
A4”); A4=A2*A2; }
output.out: A3+A4;
The above composition uses only ad hoc cells. The cell A1 and A2 are simple expressions. Just as expected, Luban will evaluate the expression and save the result in the cell.
Cell A3 and A4 contains Luban script code. When data updating event reaches these two cells, Luban execute the script code just like normal script. The difference between an expression cell and a script cell is that script cell does not get any value returned from script by default unless the script in the cell explicitly set the value of the cell itself, like cell A3 and A4 do in above code.
The last line in above example links the result of expression “A3+A4” to the output property “out”. The output property linking cell is one special kind of cell that can only contains single expression, no script code is allowed.
Typed cell is to enable user to directly put pre-defined structure component into composition, like below example:
namespace demo;
struct TwoAdder
input op1, op2;
output result;
as process
output.result =
struct FourAdder
input op1,op2,op3,op4;
output result;
as composition
adder1: demo::TwoAdder(op1=input.op1, op2=input.op2);
adder2: demo::TwoAdder(op1=input.op3,
demo::TwoAdder(op1=adder1.result, op2=adder2.result);
The above example illustrates how to compose an adder that can add up four numbers from adder that adds two. You can see inside the “FourAdder” composition there are three “TwoAdder” components inside, two of them linking to input properties while the third one adds the result of first two and send result to output property.
Actually the typed cell is not much different from expression cell, except that the typed cell can not be used by its own value like ad hoc cell. The other cells of the same composition can only use the output property of the typed cell.
The major difference between Luban Composition Structure and Procedure Structure is that composition only defines the dependencies among cells instead of execution order. The cells will be executed at run time, triggered by data updating events, while the cells to be executed and their order will be decided at run time. More details will be explained in this section through examples.
Here we use the slightly modified sample code of previous demo::compadhoc.
namespace demo;
struct compadhoc
input in1, in2;
output out;
as composition
std::println(obj=“run A1”); A1= input.in1 + 1; }
A2: {
std::println(obj=“run A2”); A2= input.in2 + 1; }
A3: {
std::println(obj=“run A3”); A3=A1*A1; }
A4: {
std::println(obj=“run A4”); A4=A2*A2; }
output.out: A3+A4;
Let’s save above code into a file named “compadhoc.lbn”. Then we continue to write a Luban script to call this component demo::compadhoc as below.
x = demo::compadhoc(in1=1, in2=2); // line 1
std::println(obj=x.out); // line 2
std::println(obj="change input in1"); // line3
x.in1=0; // line 4
std::println(obj=x.out); // line 5
std::println(obj="change input in2"); // line
y =x(in2=1); // line 7
std::println(obj=y.out); // line 8
Save above
script into a file named “start.lbn”, then we can start running the program as
Mycomputer > luban compadhoc.lbn start.lbn
input in1
input in2
Now let’s go through the program and its output line by line.
In start.lbn the code line 1 calls Luban component
demo::compadhoc, it also set input “in1” to 1 and input “in2” to 2 when
calling. The resulting new component instance of the call is assigned to
variable x.. Luban component demo::compadhoc runs when it is called, and it
prints out the below along the way.
run A1
run A2
run A3
run A4
We now check why demo::compadhoc prints out above output when it runs.
Inside demo::compadhoc the data flow is defined as below.
input.in1 à A1 à A3 --|
|à output.out
input.in2 à A2 à A4 --|
According to above data flow dependencies, it is required
that cell A1 to be run before A3, and A2 before A4. So the output ”run A1 run A2run A3 run A4” is in
compliance with the defined data flow dependencies.
There is one very important point that needs to be mentioned here is that: for those cells that have no direct or indirect dependencies between them, the order of execution is UNDEFINED. In another word, Luban interpreter has the freedom to run them in any order or even in parallel. Luban programmer should not take any assumption about their execution order.
For our above example, there is no dependency between cell A1 and A2, neither between A3 and A4. So between cell A1 and A2, which one will be executed first is undefined. So are cell A3 and A4. In this example Luban interpreter runs A1 before A2, and A3 before A4. But this order is INCIDENTAL instead of defined behavior of Luban language. In another word, if you implement a different Luban interpreter. It runs this program and prints out ”run A2 run A1 run A4 run A3”. The behavior is still correct according to Luban language definition.
The Luban component demo::compadhoc does the computation (in1+1)*(in1+1) + (in2+1)*(in2+1) and set result to output “out”. So at line 3 it prints out the output as 13 for input in1=1 and in2=2.
line 4 of start.lbn changes the input “in1” of Luban component instance “x” to
value 0, thus triggers the evaluation of the Luban component. Here we are going
to show the biggest difference between Luban procedure component and Luban
composition component. For Luban procedure component any change to its input
property triggers the execution of the whole procedure. For Luban composition
component, change of one input property value triggers the execution of ONLY
those cells that are at the data flow downstream of the changed property. In
another word, if a cell inside the composition component does not have any
dependency on the changed property, it will NOT be executed. Luban composition
component can be “partially” evaluated depending on the changed property.
In our example, we know the downstream cells of input property “in1” are
A1 and A3. Only A1 and A3 are evaluated for the change of property “in1”. That
is the reason of the output:
After the evaluation of A1 and A3, the output property “out” is changed to value 10. So at line 5 it prints out 10 when it prints out the output of the component instance x.
Line 7
of start.lbn dynamically calls the Luban component instance “x”. It also sets
the input property “in1” to value 1 when calling. The mechanism of cell
execution for dynamic call is the same as the setting of input property value
for Luban composition component. So Luban duplicates the component and then only
execute the cells that are at the downstream of changed input property “in2”,
which are A2 and A4. Thus we have this output:
The output is changed to value 5 after input “in2” is set to value 1. So
the last line prints out 5.
We can draw the following conclusions from above.
The “partial execution”
feature of Luban composition component could be useful for certain kind fo
Luban composition gives user the freedom to put expression, script and typed structure into component cells, while Luban figures out the dependencies automatically for you. Yet there are still rules for dependency specification to make sure the composition is semantically clear and unambiguous.
In a composition, a cell can not modify other cells, it can only read from them. These operations are considered as modification: directly assignment, member function call and property setting. So if there is such operation upon other cells in a cell definition, Luban will report error. This is to make sure the data flows one way as commonly expected.
A cell can change itself by directly assign value to itself. Though a cell can not read the previous value of itself back. So calling member function on itself is also prohibited because it involve reading previous value back. The purpose of this rule is to prevent a cell from having dependency on itself to create an infinite loop in data flow.
Luban does not allow cyclic dependencies among synchronized cells in a composition. The details of synchronized cells can be found in later chapter. So far in all the sample compositions we have seen, all the cells are synchronized.
Composition can be used together with Luban interface inheritance to create new structure based on old one, like below example shows:
namespace demo;
struct AdderPlus implements TwoAdder
output diff;
as composition
output.diff: input.op2
– input.op1;
In above example, the structure “AdderPlus” takes the interface of “TwoAdder”. It also put one instance of “TwoAdder” into its composition and wired the right portion of its input to the “TwoAdder” and wired the output of “TwoAdder” directly to its output. So “AdderPlus” basically get interface and implementation of “TwoAdder” in this way. It also adds one extra output of its own, which is the difference of its two input properties. The first line in the composition can only be used with structure inheriting interface from other structure. Luban will do type checking to make sure the wiring work with inheritance. There could be ambiguity in the case of multiple inheritance. The basic rule to handle ambiguity is to explicitly specify the wiring of the output property on which the ambiguity occurs.
Composition does its best when there are significant number of components in a system and the dataflow among the components are complicated. It is difficult to code multi-directional dataflow with process that is basically one dimensional.
Process should be used when the system have sophisticated
control logic, meaning if conditions and loops. In practice, it could be the
case that small components more likely use process while large components could
be more compositional.
Anyone who attempts to generate random
numbers by deterministic means is,
of course, living in a state of sin.
- John von Neumann
So far the Luban structure we have seen can be called synchronous structure, meaning the property values of a structure reflect the state of the structure and you can expect the change of input properties will trigger the internal evaluation and likely the change of output properties to put the structure into a new consistent state. And the internal evaluation happens in an atomic fashion, meaning Luban guarantees that the structure is always in a consistent state in every access.
In this chapter we introduce a new kind of structure: asynchronous structure. Asynchronous structure can have all the input, output, store and static properties just like the synchronous structure. The major difference is the semantics of the set and get of input and output properties. For an asynchronous structure, the semantic of input and output is more loose. What is defined is that data flows into input and flows out of output, and there is no consistency pairing between input and output. And the data flows in and out a asynchronous structure will be queued, unlike the synchronous structure, the new property value will overwrite the previous one. The store and static property value of asynchronous structure will not be queued, queuing is only for input and output. Asynchronous structure behaves like pipe, while the synchronous structure is more functional.
The purpose of asynchronous structure is to model asynchronous components in system. The examples of asynchronous components include network messaging and interactive user interface. And usually large system more likely behaves in an asynchronous way.
In actual implementation of Luban, the asynchronous structure is implemented as an object with a live thread inside. The inside thread takes data from input queue and put the output to the output queue, while outside user can put new data onto input queue and take output from output queue. So asynchronous structure does multi-threading, only implicitly.
namespace demo;
asynch struct multiplexer
input flow1, flow2;
output merged;
as process
output.merged =
input.flow1 &
output.merged =
input.flow2 &
The above example defines a asynchronous structure named “multiplexer”. The structure merges data input from “flow1” and “flow2” into the output “merged” just like a telecom multiplexer. Inside the “multiplexer”, there are two user coded threads, one to read “flow1”, another to read “flow2”, both put the reading into “merged”. There are several details of asynchronous structure that make this structure work.
First, every read of input property removes one value from the input queue. When the queue is empty, the read operations will block and wait until new value comes in. Input property can not be read from outside. Remember in the case of synchronous structure, repeated reading of the same input property read back the same value.
Second, every assignment to the output property adds one
value to the output queue. For the same operation, synchronous structure will
only take the last assignment to the output property.
Understanding the above details, we can code a simple case of producer and consumer in which producer and consumer share the same queue for communication.
namespace demo;
struct simplequeue
input inq;
output outq;
as process
outq = inq;
The above component behaves like a simple multi-thread queue with one end to put in and another end to read out data, plus it will make reader wait when the queue is empty. Then we can use the above component in a sample script like below:
// ……
q = demo::simplequeue();
{ obj= myns::producer().produce();
q.inq=obj; } & // producer thread
myns::consume( obj = q.outq ); } &
// consumer thread
// ……
Above script starts two threads, one to produce object and put it into the “inq” of the queue named “q”, while another to read object out of “outq” of “q” and feed to “myns::consume” structure. When the “outq” is empty, the consumer thread will sleep.
Above examples show how to code asynchronous structure and use it in Luban script. The next section will show how to code and use asynchronous in composition.
In chapter one, when we introduce thread dispatching,
we give out an example that shows some nasty surprise when threads are
dispatched uncontrolled in a loop. Actually that kind of loop is commonly used
in certain situation. For example you could write a server that watch a network
port and dispatch thread to handle received message. And this server is simple
a forever loop with thread dispatching inside, like below code shows.
while ( true )
x = port.getmsg();
Above code is problematic, because the execution order
of the main thread and dispatched thread is not deterministic. It could happen
that the main loop goes faster that the message “x” is changed before the
“::msghandler” thread read it. The way to fix this is to use Asynchronous
Structure, as below code.
handler = ::asynchmsghandler();
while ( true )
x = port.getmsg();
And you define your “asynchmsghandler” like below:
asynch struct asynchmsghandler(input msg;)
as process
// handle msg;
Since the object “handler” contains an Asynchronous
Structure that has a thread inside. And all inputs set to “handler” will be
correctly queued to be processed in order.
In chapter one, we described that at the end of script
execution, the main thread will wait for all explicitly dispatched threads to
finish. Luban engine does not give any special treatment to the live thread
inside Asynchronous Structure, meaning it just destroy it like anything else.
And the destruction of Asynchronous Structure will stop the internal thread
even if it is in the middle of running. The below scripts show the semantics.
asynchprinter =
for( i=1; i<11; ++i)
asynchprinter.obj = i;
And demo::AsynchPrinter is defined as below.
namespace demo;
asynch struct AsynchPrinter(input
as process
std::println(obj =
It may surprise some user
that the above script may print nothing, instead of a complete 1 to 10 integer
list. The reason is that the main thread destroys the “asynchprinter” objet
before it can finish its internal thread can finish its job. Modify the script
to use the “waitfinish” member function of Asynchronous Structure will fix the
asynchprinter =
for( i=0; i<10; ++i)
asynchprinter.obj = i;
The waitfinish member function will only return when the input queue of
the structure is empty and there is at lease one thread inside sleeping and
waiting for new input. For our example, it will guarantee that all objects from
1 to 10 are printed before the script quits.
We already know that you can trigger the evaluation of
synchronous structure by setting its input property and/or by explicitly making
structure call. And we expect the evaluation to finish before the execution
flow goes further down.
Asynchronous Structure is different by nature since it
has a live thread inside. The following describes the basic behavior of
Asynchronous Structure.
x = demo::asynchinput(); // no thread started here
y = x.newinput; // this will
trigger the internal thread running in x
x.start(); // this will start the internal thread of x too
x.waitfinish(); // this will block until internal thread of x becomes
y = x; // y will also be an asynch struct like, but no i/o queue and
y = x( input1 = 0.0); // y will be of error value because x is aynch
Asynchronous structure and composition naturally work together. While in process script, user need to pay attention to the semantic difference of an asynchronous structure, in composition, user wire the asynchronous the same way as synchronous structure. Luban take care of the independent thread inside the asynchronous structure automatically.
In below example, we code one asynchronous structure to listen to network message. Then we use the structure in a composition.
namespace demo;
asynch struct messenger
output msg;
as process
socket =
net::socket(“msgserver”, 6500);
while ( true )
obj = socket.readobj();
if ( obj == “good bye” ) break;
output.msg = obj;
struct listenNprint
as composition
MSG: ::messenger();
std::println(obj = MSG.msg );
Above code creates an asynchronous structure to listen to the port 6500 on server “msgserver”, and set the output “msg” whenever object arrives from the server. The “messenger” structure will only stops when it hears “good bye” from the server. The next composition uses this structure as its component and wire it together with a structure that prints message on console. We can run the composition structure using the below script:
When the composition “listenNprint” runs, it will listen to the message on network print what it hear on the console until the server says “good bye” to it.
You can put ad hoc asynchronous cell into a composition by simple declare the ad hoc process cell as “asynch”. The code inside the cell will follow the asynchronous structure semantics automatically. We can code the “listenNprint” structure using ad hoc asynchronous cell as below:
namesapce demo;
struct listenNprint
as composition
asynch MSG: { socket = net::socket(“msgserver”, 6500);
( true )
obj = socket.readobj();
if ( obj == “good bye” ) break;
MSG = obj;
std::println(obj = MSG );
You can notice that in the ad hoc cell, there is no output property to set except itself. And its fellow component cells can only refer the value of itself instead of the output property.
As mentioned in previous chapter, cycle consists of only synchronous cells in a composition is not allowed. In another word, if the cycle has one or more asynchronous component inside, it is OK for Luban. Let’s look at the below example:
namesapce demo;
asynch struct player
input receive;
output send;
output.send = 1; // send a ball
while ( true )
ball =
if ( ball ==
1000 ) break;
= ball;
struct pingpong
as composition
P1: ::player(receive = P2.send );
P2: ::player(receive =
P1.send );
It is obvious that the composition structure “pingpong” has a cycle involving cell P1 and P2. Yet Luban is still going to happily take it and run through because P1 and P2 are asynchronous component, so it does not violate Luban’s no-cycle rule.
If you run “pingping” structure, it will print out number 1 to 1000, and print each number twice in a row.
web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together.
- William Shakespeare
Luban use a special type: error type to handle errors. The value of error type is generated as error happens in Luban code evaluation. The basic principle of Luban error handling is very simple and can be described in below two points:
· Propagate error value along the line of expression, assignment and control flow if sensible.
· Abort the evaluation of Luban structure or script if the error can not be propagated in a sensible way.
There are enough “who catch what at where” confusion about exception in many different languages. Luban goes a different way, it does not have exception at all, neither try and catch statements. The basic idea is that to use error value to represent error is simpler and easier to understand. Error value also fits Luban’s data flow model very well.
// below variables all contain error
firsterr = 1/0;
alsoerr1 = firsterr++;
alsoerr2 = firsterr + alsoerr1;
test = firsterr isa error and
alsoerr1 isa error and alsoerr2 isa error; // test = true
In above script, first error is generated by operation to divide with zero. Then the error propagates through a series of expression and assignment statements. So the error happens and spread logically corresponding to the code structure. Responsible user can decide to check error and take action at any point.
There are certain points that is error sensitive in Luban. When errors happen at those points, Luban can only stop the evaluation of the current structure or script and report error. These points are listed as following.
Failure of assignment is one of the error sensitive points. Failure of assignment can be caused by assign object of wrong type to typed variable or structure property, for example:
int intvar;
intvar = 3.1416; // world ends here,
assign double to a int type variable
std::println(obj=”Devil shall never
see the light”); // never reach this line
If the result of condition expression inside control flow statement is not of bool type, Luban will stop the evaluation because it can not determine the control flow.
X = 0;
if ( X ) // X is not bool type, evaluation stop
When the call to a process structure stops because of error, the call returns error value instead of a fully evaluated structure.
Except the above error sensitive points, when error happens Luban will happily continue and pass the error object around. It is totally up to the user to decide where they want to check the error or if they want to check the error at all.
have become the tools of their tools.
- Henry
David Thoreau
There are a set of commonly used data types and structures packaged together with Luban programming language. Though they are not part of the Luban programming language, they are so useful that we need to use a chapter to describe them.
These are the basic data types used to persist information or pass them around network. And they share a more or less common interface. Below listed are their Luban type names and the description of their member functions.
Luban type names.
Console: std::console
File: std::file
Socket: net::socket
Member functions that apply to all above data types:
Writes the object in human readable string format to the media.
Return null if successful, or error type in case of failure.
Same as write, only adds one extra line break at the end of each object string.
Return null if successful, or error in case of failure.
read( int n=1 ):
Reads specified number of characters, or read one character if n not specified.
Returns a string containing all characters read, or error in case of failure.
Reads the media to break of line.
Returns a string, or error in case of failure.
Writes the objects in platform independent binary format from which the object can be restored.
Returns null if successful, or error for failure.
Restore object back from media, likely the object written by writeobj.
Returns restored object.
What need to be mentioned is that writeobj and readobj are designed to be used in pair. Any object serialized and persisted with writeobj can be restored using readobj.
is a simple text file processing example:
linecount = 0;
wordcount = 0;
txtfile = std::file(“mydatafile”, ‘r’); // open file ”mydatafile”
alldata = txtfile.readall(); // read
ALL content of the file into alldata
lines = alldata.split(‘\n’); // split
alldata into vector lines
foreach( line in lines ) // Iterate through each line in the vector
++linecount; //increase line count
words = line.split(); // Split one line into a vector of words
wordcount +=
words.size(); // increase word count
//print result
“+string(linecount)+” words: “+string(wordcount));
It needs to be mentioned that above code use a new file type member
function readall() that reads the whole
content of a file into a string data object. The code then split the whole
content into lines and does analysis.
The below example script shows how to use file to persist and restore data object using file:
fw = std::file(“objfile”, ‘w’); // open a
file for writing
fw.writeobj([1,2,3]); // write a
vector object
fw.close(); // close the file
fr = std::file(“objfile”, ‘r’); //
open file for reading
vec = fr.readobj(); // read one
object back
std::println(obj=vec); // print out
There are three modes can be used to open a file. They are read, write and append, and are represented by characters as ‘r’, ‘w’ and ‘a’. Above code shows read and write. While in the write mode opening an existing file will cause it to be truncated, opening the same file in append mode will cause the later writing append to the end the file.
The below scripts demonstrate how to use socket, including both client and server side. The server side uses a new data type net::listener that is basically a TCP port listener. It can be created given a port number. Its major member function is accept() that accepts one incoming connection and return a socket object that can talk to the client.
Server script:
This server greets clients and assign each of them a number
listener = net::listener(6500); // take TCP port 6500
while( true ) // forever loop
socket =
listener.accept(); // wait for client connection
name = socket.readobj(); //
read client name
”+name); // say hello
++clientcount; //
increase client number
Socket.writeobj(clientcount); //
send the number to client
Client script:
socket = net::socket(“localhost”, 6500); // connect
to server at port 6500
socket.writeobj(“Chinese”); // send server its name
msg = socket.readobj(); //
receive greeting
std::console().writeline(“The server
says: “, msg); // print greeting
= socket.readobj(); // read assigned number
number is “, mynumber); // print number
In the above, the server script takes TCP port 6500 and listens to incoming connection. For each client connection server says hello then assign a number to the client. Client script simply connect to the server at port 6500, send its name, then receive greeting message and number. You can run both scripts on the same machine. If you want to run them on different machines, you need to change the sever name from “localhost” to the actual server host name.
Just for convenience, std::println and std::print structures are coded as part of Luban package. The structure print object to console in a simple way. Below is their source code:
namespace std;
println( input obj;)
as process
std::console().writeline(input.obj); }
print( input obj;)
as process
std::console().write(input.obj); }
Every Luban object can dump itself into a binary stream. In order to restore one object out of a binary string, the std::des structure is needed, as below sample code shows.
= {“one”:1, “two”:2}; // construct a map
xguts = x.serialize();// serialize it into a string
xback = std::des(stream=xguts).obj; //
call std::des to restore it
truth = xback == x; // truth = true,
compare the restored object and original
There is one utility API need to be specifically
illustrated in this chapter, which is the
Luban imports all Java object as an external type java::javaobj. The construction of Java object is the same as constructing other Luban data types. Below are examples of Java object constructions.
javapie = java::javaobj(“java.lang.Double”, 3.1416); // build a java double number
javahello =
java::javaobj(“java.lang.String”, “Hello, World!”); // java string
javanow = java::javaobj(“java.util.Date”); // obtain current date/time
from java
From above you can see the way to construct Java object is actually very simple, all you need to do is to always put the Java class name as the first argument and put the arguments the class constructor needs afterwards.
Calling Java object member function using LJB is exactly the same as calling any object member function in Luban or Java. The below are examples.
jmap = java::javaobj("java.util.HashMap");
one = jmap.get(“one”);
The above code constructs a Java hash map object and calls the “put” member function to add one key value pair into the map. Then the following code then reads out the value by looking up by the same keys with “get” member function. The last line print out the look up result to show.
You can see it is extremely simple to call Java object member function in Luban, just construct the object and call as you would do in Java itself.
To call a Java static member function is also simple, like below code shows.
jdumy = java::javaobj();
connection = jdumy.java_callStaticFunction(
"java.sql.DriverManager","getConnection",URL, user, pswd);
The way to call Java static function is to go through a special member function of Luban java::javaobj type. The Luban java::javaobj member function name is “java_callStaticFuncion” and its arguments are Java class name, static function name followed by actual arguments for that Java static function. Because the calling Java static function does not require any specific Java object instance, we can use a Java null object as a gateway to call any Java static functions.
In the above example, we first construct a Java null object using the default constructor of java::javaobj type. The we use the “java_call StaticFunction” to call the Java static function “java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(URL, user, pswd)”. This Java static function is to obtain a connection to a SQL server.
Below is another example of calling Java static function. This example is to split a string using Java regular expression utilities.
jnull =
pattern =
"compile", "[,\\s]+");
jresult =
pattern.split("one,two, three,
four, five"); // jresult is
java String[]
The above code calls Java static function “java.util.regex.Pattern.complile()” to construct a Java regular expression pattern, then uses the pattern to split a string into an array of Java strings.
The way to access Java static data fields is similar to call its static member function, you need to use two special member function on the java::javaobj object, which can be Java null since the field is static. The two functions are “java_getStaticField” for reading and “java_setStaticField” for writing. Take a look at below code example.
dumy = java::javaobj();
hourfield =
dumy.java_getStaticField("java.util.Calendar", "SUNDAY");
status =
dumy.java_setStaticField("java.util.Calendar", "SUNDAY",
2); // try to set
std::println(obj=status); // should print error message can’t set final
Above code first
gets the value of a Java static field “java.util.Calendar.SUNDAY” that is of
value integer 1. Then it tries to set the same field value to integer 2, which
is going to fail because the field is final. The code will print out the value
of the field and the error status message for the field value set operation.
To access Java instance data field, you need to use a valid java::javaobj instance that has that data field accessible. It can not be a Java null object. You still use special member functions to access, and the member function names are “java_getField” for reading and “java_setField” for writing. Take a look at below example code.
jdim = java::javaobj("java.awt.Dimension", 200,200);
height = jdim.java_getField("height"); // read height field
jdim.java_setField("width",100); // set width to 100
The above code constructs a Java object of Java type “java.awt.Dimension” that has two accessible fields “height” and “width” that are initialized to be both of value 200. Then the code reads the value of “height” field and prints it out. The following code then sets the “width” field to value 100 and print out the whole object to show the effect.
You can easily do “instanceof” checking on a Java object
in Java. The similar thing you can do in Luban is “isa” operation. Though for
Luban all Java objects are of type “java::javaobj” and you can not check the
object’s Java type using Luban
”isa” operator. The way to check the actual type of a Java object in Luban is
to call another special member function “java_instanceof”. Below is one code
xisajavadouble = x.java_instanceof("java.lang.Double");
numberclass = x.java_getClassForName("java.lang.Number");
xisajavanumber = x.java_instanceof(numberclass);
In the above example, we first construct a Java object that is of Java type “java.lang.Double”. Then we call the “java_instanceof” function to check if the object is of type “java.lang.Double”. The function call should return a Java Boolean value true and we print it out. In the following code we do the similar type checking, yet using a different argument to call the “java_instanceof” function. This time we use a Java class object as the argument for checking. And the Java class object for Java class “java.lang.Number” is obtained from another Luban java::javaobj member function “java_getClassForName”.
“java_getClassForName” is a function to load and return any Java class object using its class name. When class object loading is a frequent operation, this function becomes handly.
I have explained how to construct Java object, call its static or instance member function, access its static or instance data field plus how to do Java’s “instanceof” type checking in Luban. Everything seems smooth so far.
Though there is one important thing I haven’t explained. In Java all objects are object references, while in Luban all objects are values. How do we bridge the difference?
The solution is technical. In
So in another word, Luban has no choice but to honor Java’s reference semantics because that’s the only thing we can get from Java. The below code shows the impact of Java object reference in Luban code.
jvec1 = java::javaobj(“java.util.Vector”);
jvec2 = jvec1;
std::println(obj= jvec2==jvec2 );
Run above code will print out two identical Java vector both contain element 1, and print out the result of testing “jvec1==jvec2” as Boolean value true. Since java::javaobj type contains only Java object reference as its value, so the assignment to a new variable jvec2 does NOT actually generate a new copy of the Java Vector object. The two variables contain the reference to the same actual Java object. So the print statements print out the same vector and the equality checking ends with value true.
In order to get a new copy, you need to call the clone() member function (if available), like what you would do in Java itself. Below modified code operates on two different instances after calling the clone() function.
jvec1 = java::javaobj(“java.util.Vector”);
jvec2 = jvec1.clone();
std::println(obj= jvec2==jvec2 );
Actually the object reference kinds of data types already exist in Luban before Java object. The Luban types like std::console, std::file and net::socket are all using reference in their implementations. So the assignment of file, console and/or socket to a new variable does not end up with new copy, the reference gets copied instead of the real object.
One of the most interesting uses of
frm = java::javaobj("javax.swing.JFrame", "Hello
jpnl = java::javaobj("javax.swing.JPanel");
jbut = java::javaobj("javax.swing.JButton", "Push
frm.setSize(java::javaobj("java.awt.Dimension", 300,100));
queue = java::javaobj("luban.InvocationQueue"); // new invocation queue, line 7
listener1 =
queue.newProxy("java.awt.event.ActionListener"); // line 8
jbut.addActionListener(listener1); // line 9
listener2 = queue.newProxy("java.awt.event.WindowListener");
//line 10
frm.addWindowListener(listener2); // line 11
// Run below code between brackets in a different thread
for(i=0; ; ++i)
//below gets the next event in the queue,
block if queue empty
event =
if (
string(event.getMethod().getName()) == "windowClosing" ) break;
Me "+string(i));
Run the above code and you will see a Java Swing window with a button inside labeled “Push Me”. When you click the button the label of the button will change to “Push Me X” with X to be the number of times the button has been pushed. And in the console, when button is pushed the event message will be printed.
Now let’s go through the details of this program. The first five lines of the program do the simple widget construction. It constructs a JFrame, a JPanel and a JButton. It then put the JButton into the JPanel, JPanel into the JFrame and set the size of the JFrame to 300 by 100. All these are very much like what you would do in Java, just in a slightly different syntax.
The code afterward takes care of the GUI event call back. Here we need to introduce the Java class Luban.InvocationQueue. This class is used here as the gateway to pass Java GUI event into Luban. The two most important member functions of this class are “newProxy” and “getInvocation”. Luban.InvocationQueue.newProxy() member function takes the name of a Java Interface and generates a Java proxy project to mimic the Java Interface. The generated Java proxy object can be used any Java function that takes that Java Interface. When the member function of that Java Interface gets invoked, the proxy object handles it in a very simple manner, it puts the member function method object and its arguments into a invocation queue that resides inside the original Luban.InvocationQueue.
The luban.InvocationQueue.getInvocation() function simply fetch one invocation from the invocation queue. The function blocks and waits when the queue is empty. The next new invocation will then wake up the function and it will get the new invocation and continue.
Now we can get back to how Luban code uses the Luban.InvocationQueue class to handle the GUI events. In our example, line 7 creates the InvocationQueue object. Then line 8 calls the “newProxy” member function to create a Java proxy object with the Java interface “java.awt.event.ActionListener”. Line 9 uses that Java proxy object as the call back listener for the JButton object we created before. According to my explanation above, every time the button get pressed, the member function “actionPerformed” of the Java Interface “java.awt.event.ActionListener” will be called and the Java proxy object will put the “actionPerformed” method object and the argument into the invocation queue. Line 10 creates another proxy object with Java interface “java.awt.event.WindowListener”. Line 11 uses that proxy object as the listener of the JFrame object to listen to window events like window closing. Please note you can create multiple proxy objects on the same queue. That means all the invocation upon all the different proxy objects will end up in the same queue.
The following Luban code handling the GUI event is dispatched into a separate thread. Within the thread, it is an infinite loop. In the loop, the code first takes one event out of the invocation queue. If the queue is empty it will block and wait until next invocation comes. Then the code prints out the invocation event details. Afterwards the code check if the event is a window closing event, and break out of the loop and finish the thread if it is. Remember we have the windows event and JButton event in the same queue. Otherwise it changes the label of the JButton to include the number of loops and continue.
It is a good practice to put the event handling of one invocation queue into a separated thread so the main thread can continue when it is waiting for the next invocation event. The next example uses two queues and two threads to do pretty much the same thing as above example. Below is the code.
frm =
java::javaobj("javax.swing.JFrame", "Hello Swinger");
jpnl =
jbut =
java::javaobj("javax.swing.JButton", "Push me");
queue =
listener =
queue2 = java::javaobj("luban.InvocationQueue");
listener2 =
for(i=1; ; ++i)
// thread to handle the button click event
= queue.getInvocation();
( event == null ) break;
( string(event.getMethod().getName()) == "windowClosing" ) break;
Me "+string(i));
// a different thread to handle window
= queue2.getInvocation();
( string(event2.getMethod().getName()) == "windowClosing" )
q1.close(); // close another queue
When the above example is run, it does the same thing as previous example does. The difference between this example and previous example is that previous example use one invocation queue to handle the events from both the JButton and the JFrame widgets, while this example use two different queues for JButton and JFrame. And this example uses two different threads to obtain and handle the events from that two different event queues. In this example, when one thread detects that window is closing, it closes the other queue that handles the button events, so the other thread can return from “getInvocation” call with null and finish.
One trick, when you call the InvocationQueue.close() function of another queue, you need to use different variable that contains the reference to the queue used in another thread, like in above example we use variable “q1” instead of the “queue1” variable. The reason is that Luban has a thread safe feature that only allows one function call to one variable at any time. So while the “queue1” variable blocks at “getInvocation” function call, the “queue1.close()” can not get through and that will prevent both thread from finishing. So we assign “q1=queue1” first, and later we use q1 to close the queue. Because all Java objects are actually object references, this trick works.
The luban.InvocationQueue and associated luban.InvocationEvent are included in luban.jar file that is part of the Luban source and binary package.
Talking to a database is commonly required for applications. Here I give one example for using JDBC interface to talk to a MySQL database server.
javadumy = java::javaobj();
drvclass =
std::println(obj="load jdbc driver:\t"+string(drvclass));
URL = "jdbc:mysql://mypc:3306/mydb";
user = "root";
pswd = "rootpassword";
conn = javadumy.java_callStaticFunction( "java.sql.DriverManager",
"getConnection",URL, user, pswd);
std::println(obj="get connection:\t"+string(conn));
st = conn.createStatement();
rs = st.executeQuery ("select * from stocks");
std::println(obj="Content of stocks table:");
while ( bool( )
stockname =
std::println (
The above example is actually very similar to any Java JDBC example code. They go through the same routine. First it loads the MySQL jdbc driver class by calling the Luban java::javaobj utility member function “getClassForName()” on a dummy java::javaobj instance. Then it calls the Java static function java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection to obtain a connection to the MySQL server with specified URL, user name and password. Then it calls the “createStatement()” member function on the connection object, then execute a query. The query is to get the content of a table named “stocks”. After it gets the results for the query, it then iterates through the results and print out contents. The program nicely closes everything at the end.
Regular expression is another commonly used tool for text processing. Below example shows how to use Java regular expression tools in Luban through LJB.
// EXAMPLE 1, string split
jnull = java::javaobj();
pattern =
"compile", "[,\\s]+");
strtosplit = "one,two, three,,
four, five";
jresult = pattern.split(strtosplit); // jresult is java String[]
result=vector(jresult); // convert String[] to luban vector
// EXAMPLE 2, find and replace
pattern2 = jnull.java_callStaticFunction("java.util.regex.Pattern",
"compile", "cat");
original = "one cat, two cats in the yard";
matcher = pattern2.matcher(original);
match = bool(matcher.find());
jbuffer = java::javaobj("java.lang.StringBuffer");
match =
result2 = string(jbuffer);
The above Luban code example uses Java regular expression
classes to do two things, one is to split a string another is to find all “cat”
words in a string and replace them with word “dog”. In the first example, it constructs a Java regular expression pattern
by calling a Java static function. Then it calls the “split” member function of
the pattern to split a string. Finally it converts the Java string array object
to a Luban vector and prints the vector out. In the second example, it also
constructs a Java regular expression pattern. Then it builds a matcher for the
string to be processed with the pattern. It then goes looping to find all the
occurrences of the pattern “cat” and replace it with “dog” and put the result
into a Java string buffer. After the loop is done, it converts the Java string
buffer to a Luban string and prints it out.
There are two
kinds of conversions we will discuss below, Luban to Java and vice versa.
The Luban to
Java conversion is always implicit. It happens when Luban data type is used to
construct Java object and call Java function. For example, when below Luban
code runs:
= java::javaobj(“java.lang.Double”, 3.1416);
The constant
3.1416 is a Luban data type, it will be converted to a Java Double type and
used as one argument to construct a Java object that happens to be also a Java
Double type. The conversion is implicit because the code does not state to do
that conversion explicitly.
The rules for
Luban to Java type conversion is listed below.
Luban Type Java Type
double java.lang.Double
int java.lang.Integer
bool java.lang.Boolean
char java.lang.Character
string java.lang.String
map java.util.HashMap
vector java.util.Vector
set java.util.HashSet
One more note,
the Luban to Java conversion is always a “deep” conversion. It means that if a
Luban container type is converted, not only the container will be converted,
every element inside the container will be converted recursively.
Differing from
Luban to Java conversion, Java to Luban conversion has to be explicit, or it
will not happen. What I mean here is that any the Java object that Luban
obtained from JVM with Java constructor or function calls, it will be always
wrapped as a special Luban data type “java::javaobj” you can use this object
just like any other Luban object without conversion.
There are
situations you want to cast Luban Java object into some other Luban type. Then
you need to use Luban cast expression like below:
= java::javaobj(“java.util.Vector”);
// use it directly
= vector(jvec) // cast to Luban vector;
x in lubanvec )
The above code converts a Java vector object into a Luban vector using a cast expression, then use foreach statement on the converted Luban vector. If no conversion happens you can still use the Java object inside variable “jvec” as it is. The above code casts the Java vector into a Luban vector only to iterate through it.
All Java to Luban conversions have to be explicit with a cast expression. Below list all Luban types that be used as cast operators and the Java types applicable to them.
Java Types Luban Type
All array types
+ java.util.List vector
java.util.Map map
java.util.Set set
java.lang.Boolean bool
+ java.lang.Character char
java.lang.Number double
java.lang.Number int
Also different from Luban to Java conversion, Java to Luban conversion is always shallow, meaning when converting a Java container type to another Luban container type, only the container itself get converted, while all the elements inside container kept untouched.
To build and run LJB, there are some configurations need to be done. The below are the details.
· set up environment variable JAVA_HOME before build and install
For example, you have your JDK at C:\jdk1.5.0_02 you need to specify this in POSIX format on cygwin:
On linux, you need to do the same thing.
If you don’t have JAVA_HOME env variable setup, the build script will ask you for the value of JAVA_HOME at the beginning.
On Windows with Cygwin, you also need to make sure you have the write permission to JAVA_HOME/lib directory. Luban build script will copy one file jvm.dll.a file into that directory to enable gcc to link against jvm.dll
· Make sure jvm.dll accessible at run time
On Linux, for example you have Java installed on /usr/lib/java, you need to have the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH setup like below:
On Windows, for example your Java installed at C:\jdk1.5.0, you need to put this into PATH environment variable:
Luban uses two environment variables to pass parameters it needs to start the JVM, including the place to find the jar files.
The first environment variable is “CLASSPATH”. This is the variable to contain the path to all the jar files that contains the classes that’s not a part of the JVM standard distribution. For example if you have a MySQL JDBC driver package plus the Luban InvocationQueue class to load, you can put the jar file location into CLASSPATH like below:
If you have multiple jar files and/or multiple class directories, you can list them all in CLASSPATH, separate them with semicolon.
The other environment variable is “LUBAN_JVMOPTIONS”, you can put arbitrary JVM options there as far as you separate them with space. For example, you can specify JVM maximum and minimum heap size like below:
The head learns new things,
but the heart forever practices old
- Henry Ward Beecher
This chapter demonstrates a way to code a C++ class and export it to Luban. This chapter is only for hard core professional who wishes to export C++ classes into Luban.
Basically the adding of new data type can be done in two steps. First is to code the class in a Luban compliant way, second is to let Luban know where to load the class.
Here the example is to code a new Luban data type demo::greeter. This data type does the simple job to print out “Hello, world” upon request.
To code any Luban compliant data type in C++, the convention is to always use two source files, one header file and one source module. In our simple greeter case, we will code header file greeter.hpp and greeter.cpp.
Below is the source code in greeter.hpp:
class Greeter : public
LBDECLARE( Greeter )
string toString() const; // for human readable printing
ostream& toStream(ostream& o)
const; // serialize guts
istream& fromStream(istream& i, int
major=-1, int minor=-1); // restore
virtual bool equals(const LBObject&
another) const;
// member function visible in Luban
LBObject *luban_greet(const LBVarArgs
What the header file tells us:
· All Luban data types are derived from Luban::LBObject data type.
· A mysterious macro “LBDECLARE()” needs to be put in.
· There are four functions must be implemented for all Luban data types.
“toString()” is used to convert the data object to a human readable string, and this function makes all Luban types printable and castable to string type.
“toStream()” is used to serialize the internal content of the data object. This function makes Luban types universally serializeable.
“fromStream()” is used to restore content from a serialized data stream which is produced by the “toStream()” function in the same class. Please note that “toStream()” only needs to be responsible to “fromStream()” function, meaning that the stream from “toStream()” can be used by “fromStream()” to restore to the original state.
“equal” function offers the comparison among data objects in the same class or different classes.
The conclusion, a Luban data type is required to know minimum three things:
1. Print itself
2. Serialize/de-serialize itself
3. Check equality against others
· The last member function “luban_greet” bears a signature that is required for any luban class member function to be exported to Luban language.
Then next step is to define these in a CPP module. Below is the source code in greeter.cpp:
#include “greeter.hpp”
LBDEFINE_EXPORT(Greeter, “demo::greeter”, 1, 0 )
string Greeter::toString()
return “Greeter“;
Greeter::toStream(ostream& ost) const
return ost;
Greeter::fromStream(istream& ist, int major, int minor)
return ist;
bool Greeter::equals(const LBObject&
another) const
return dynamic_cast<const
Greeter*>(&another) ;
LBEXPORT_MEMBER_FUNC(Greeter::luban_greet,“greet”, “string greet()”)
LBObject *Greeter::luban_greet(const LBVarArgs *args)
if ( args == 0 ||
args->size() == 0 )
new LBString(“Hello, World”);
new LBError(“demo::greeter() function takes no arguments”);
For the greeter.cpp module, the first thing needs to be put in is the LBDEFINE_EXPORT macro. From its appearance it indicates the mapping from C++ class name to Luban data type name plus the version number, and the version number can be used by the fromSteam() member function to decide what to do when restoring a data object stream of different version.
The line after the LBDEFINE macro is another macro LBDEFAULT_STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR that defines a default form of static constructor that does nothing more than calling the default constructor. More details of static constructor can be found in next section.
greeter.cpp also defines the mandatory virtual functions. toString() function returns a simple string to indicate itself as a greeter object. ToStream, fromStream functions do virtually nothing because there are no internal data to be serialized or restored. Equals() function check if the object compared against is a Greeter type, and returns true if it is.
The most interesting function here is the luban_greet. Luban requires that the member functions to be exported to Luban to have the same signature, which luban_greet bears. Basically the function signature can pass any number of arguments of any type, though the member function itself has to check the number and type of arguments then either perform requested action or return error value.
To export a member function to Luban, the mapping from the C++ member function name to the Luban member function name needs to be indiciated. That is what the LBEXPORT_MEMBER_FUNC macro does. The first argument is the C++ member function name, then corresponding name in Luban. The last argument is the synopsis of the function.
After the coding, we can compile our new class into a shared library. In our case we named the library That finishes all we need to do for C++ coding of a new Luban data type.
Next thing we need to do is to tell Luban how to load this new data type. For this step all we need to do is to list the new data type’s C++ class name, its Luban type name and the shared library name in a file, then tell Luban to read the file at starting. Luban has a dynamic data type loading mechanism that will load the shared library when the data type is needed at run time.
For our new demo::greeter type, we need to put the below line into a file.
Greeter demo::greeter
The format of the line is C++ class name, shared library name then Luban type name. Let’s write the line into a file named “import_types”.
Now everything is ready, we can test to use this new type in Luban, like below lines show:
> luban –t import_types –i
g =
Hello, World
In the above example, Luban interpreter is started with –t flag that tells Luban to read a file of imported types. In our case there is only one data type demo::greeter in the file. At Luban interpreter command line, we use “s” command to start scripting. Then Luban runs the script and print out the result of the last evaluation that is the famous “Hello, World” message.
For this new demo::greeter type, only a minimal basic operations can be performed. These operations include assignment, equality comparison, casting to string, serialize to stream, restore from stream and member function call. The below sample code shows the basic operations.
X = y; // assignment
X == y; // equality check
x.y(); // member function call
string(x); // cast to string
There is a set of standard member functions available for all Luban data types:
H = x.hash(); // hash key for the object, default value 0
Sz = x.size(); // apply to container and string type,
default value error
x.contains(y); // apply to string
and container type
x.clear(); // apply to string and container
guts = x.serialize(); // returns the
binary guts stream in a string
h = x.invoke(“hash”); // call hash()
in a reflective way
funmap = x.allfuncs(); // map containing all member functions and
obj =
std::des(stream=guts).obj; // restore
object from a string
One obvious way to expand available operation is to add and export more member functions. There is also a set of virtual functions that can be implemented so more Luban expression operators can be applied on the data type. These functions are optional. If they are not implemented, the corresponding operation will result in error value. The following lists the virtual functions and their corresponding operation in Luban.
void plus(const LBObject& x) +,
void minus(const LBObject& x) -,
void mul(const LBObject& x) *,
void div(const LBObject& x) /,
void mod(const LBObject& x) %,
void neg(); -x
void plusplus(); ++
void minusminus(); --
bool before(const LBObject& x) <,>,<=,>=
//container related functions
int hash() //used
as hash key when the object is used as key in a map
const LBObject* index(const
LBObject* idx) // a=b[c];
LBObject* index(const LBObject* idx) //
b[c] += 1;
bool replace(const LBObject* idx, const LBObject* value); // a[b]=c;
LBConstIterator *getIterator(); //
foreach( x in vectory )
int size(); //
number of elements
As previously mentioned, Luban requires all data types to have a static constructor. Luban static constructor is simply the function Luban calls to construct the object upon request. Technically it is a relay between Luban and the real C++ constructors of the data type. There is a default implementation available in the format of a macro. But it does nothing more than calling the default constructor of the class.
You need to implement your own static constructor if you need to put arguments into object construction. A sample static constructor is like below:
// sample static constructor for a
fake LBComplex type
*LBComplex::staticConstructor(const LBVarArgs *args)
int numarg = args?
switch ( numargs )
case 0:
new LBComplex();
case 1:
const LBDouble
*dbl = dynamic_cast<const
( !dbl )
LBException(“Wrong type”);
new LBComplex(double(*dbl));
const LBDouble
*dbl1 = dynamic_cast<const LBDouble*>(args->getArg(0));
const LBDouble
*dbl2 = dynamic_cast<const
( !dbl1 || !dbl2 )
LBException(“Wrong type”);
new LBComplex(double(*dbl1), double(*dbl2));
LBException(“Wrong number of args”);
With above static constructor coded, user can construct complex type in Luban like below:
C1 = math::complex(); // default
C2 = math::complex(1.0); // complex
with only real part
C3 = math::complex(1.0, 2.0); //
both real and imaginary
From above example, we can see static constructor also perform the task of type casting, in the case of single argument to the constructor. The variable C2 contains a complex cast from a simple real number.
If we wish to cast a complex to a double, using only static constructor, we have to change the static constructor of double type, which we may not be able to do because double is a built-in type and the code is out of the reach of us. Luban offers an alternative way to implement casting for the situation. That is to implement the below virtual function.
void LBComplex::cast(LBObject
LBDouble * dbl = dynamic_cast<LBDouble *>(castto);
if ( ! dbl )
LBException(“Wrong type to cast to”);
*dbl = LBDouble( _real
Above function is to cast the real part of the complex into the double number passed in. It will enable the below construction in Luban:
C = math::complex(1., 2.);
D = double( C );
There could be the case that both the static constructor and cast function can be applied to the same operation. And the rule is to choose static constructor over cast function.
There are two helper classes in Luban C++ importing mechanism. One is class Luban::LBVarArgs that is used majorly to pass data into member functions. Luban::LBVarArgs is an abstract class.
class LBVarArgs
virtual int numArgs() const =
virtual const LBObject*
getArg(int index) const = 0;
Another helper class Luban::LBConstIterator is also an abstract class. It is used by container data type to return iterator for Luban’s foreach statement.
class LBConstIterator
virtual bool next()=0; //
move forward
virtual const LBVarArgs*
getCurrentRow() = 0;
Luban::LBConstIterator views each container as a number of rows and each row can contain one or more elements. It uses LBVarArgs interface to access elements in a row. The need to implement your own LBConstIterator derived class may arise when your implement your own specific container class and export to Luban.
Luban takes certain common assumptions about the data types imported from C++. The assumptions are actually in line with C++ common requirements for classes. They are listed as below.
· A good copy constructor
This is mandatory. All types must have a working copy constructor.
· An assignment operator
This operator will be called. Though you may implement one that does nothing more than throwing exception if necessary. Luban uses this operator to improve efficiency of variable assignment. But everything still works if the assignment operator fails.
· A good default constructor
This is necessary when you use the default static constructor, or your own static constructor calls the default constructor explicitly. Also it is needed for streaming.
· A good destructor
· No worry about multi-threading ( usually )
Though Luban is a multi-threading language, it has a mechanism to ensure that only one thread calls member function of an object at any time. So the coder of the class normally does not need to worry about thread safety, unless you use some object sharing technology like reference counting. If you do sharing object among different instance of your class, then you need to do something make sure your class is thread safe. Because there will be more than one thread accessing your shared object.
Now he worships at an altar
of a stagnant pool
And when he sees his
reflection, he's fulfilled.
License to Kill, Bob Dylan
A complete dynamic reflection mechanism has been built
into Luban language. All objects and components can be dynamically constructed
by string name that is only determined at run time. All structure properties
can be dynamically set and get with string property name. And all object member
functions can be called via string name too. The below sections describe more
You can construct any data objects and components by
their full names. The proxy for reflective object and component construction is
a data type named “luban::ns” that represents the namespace of Luban. By
calling the create() member function of luban::ns
object with the name string of
object and component type, you can construct objects and components
dynamically, as the below sample Luban script shows.
// make a namespace object
ns = luban::ns();
//Basic type construction
pi = ns.create("double",
i = ns.create("int", 3);
b = ns.create("bool");
c = ns.create("char",
s = ns.create("string",
"Hello, Reflection")
v = ns.create("vector",
10, 0);
m = ns.create("map");
s = ns.create("set");
socket = ns.create(“net::socket”,
“localhost”, 8500);
//component construction
adder =
adder.(op1=100, op2=200);
output: "+string(adder.result));
From above code you can see you can call the object
construction by its type name and pass in arbitrary number of arguments
following the string type name. The whole mechanism is dynamic. The below code
constructs a default instance of the same type as variable x whatever the type is.
xdefault =
Not only you can create any object instance using
reflection, you can also get the type information object using reflection and
use that object for type checking purpose. Take a look below code.
ns = luban::ns();
filetype = ns.gettype(“std::file”);
fileobj = std::file(“xfile”, ‘r’);
truth = fileobj isa filetype; //
truth = true
In above code, a “filetype” object is created by
calling “gettype” member function of luban::ns.
The created object is then used to check the type of a variable named
The component model of Luban is based on its struct type that is property value flow
based. The Luban’s reflection mechanism covered set and get of struct properties by reflection, as the
below code shows.
adder =luban::demo::simpleadder();
adder.pset("op1", 1.0);
result =
output: "+string(result));
result =
output: "+string(result));
result =
output: "+string(result));
inputs =
inputs: "+string(inputs));
Above code shows that you can set and get struct properties by using its built-in
member function pset and pget, with property name string passed
in as argument. You can set multiple properties at once by passing a map with
property names as keys or a vector of keys plus a vector of values. To get
property values pget function can be
used and if multiple values need to be retrieved at once a vector of property
names can be used as arguments. And a vector of values is returned as result.
The member function of any
Luban data type can be called via reflection too. As below code shows.
mp =
{"John":1, "Paul":2, "George":3};
"Yoko", 4);
The special member function invoke is the entrance for relective member function call, and invoke is available for all Luban types.
In the above example, the insert
member function of map type is called
through invoke and a pair of key and
value is inserted as result.
There is one related member function allfuncs() that is available for all
types in Luban, which is to give out a complete map of all available member
functions and their description in a map. Below code shows how to use the
special allfuncs().
funcmap = anyobj.allfuncs();
Using Luban’s reflection mechanism and network
streaming facilities, it is almost trivial to construct a client/server tool to
enable remote calling of Luban components. On the client side, all need to be
done is to send the component name, input property values plus the desired
output property names. For the server, it needs to listen to the incoming
connection get the component name, inputs and desired output names. Server then
builds the component by name, set its inputs, get its output as required and
send results back through the same socket. The whole system can be built with
very little Luban code. That’s why we can list the whole system code as in less
than two pages below.
// a multi-threaded RCC server
namespace luban::demo;
struct RCCServer( store readwrite int port;)
as process
= net::listener(store.port);
( true )
= rootlistener.accept(); // receive incoming call
& // dispatch to a different thread
// HandleRCC actually handle one call and return
struct HandleRCC
as process
= input.socket;
= socket.readobj(); // get the whole package
= package[0]; // first one is component name
= package[1]; // second one input properties
= package[2] //third one for desired
= luban::ns().create(compname); // construct by reflection
comp.pset(args); // property setting by reflection
= comp.pget(resultprps); // property get by reflection
There are two struct
are defined in above code. One is the main loop of the RCC server, all it does
is to listen to the incoming connection and dispatch to the struct HandleRCC in a different thread
then back to listening again. Thread dispatching is a common technique used in
server coding to accommodate more than one request simultaneously.
In the struct
HandleRCC, a package is retrieved from socket. And component name, inputs
and desired outputs are unpacked. Then using reflection mechanism, component is
built, its inputs are set and outputs are gotten. Then the results are written
back to the same socket.
// Remote Component Call client code
namespace luban::demo;
struct RCCClient
readwrite int port; store readwrite string host;
map ins;
output results;
as process
= net::socket(, store.port);
onesock.writeobj( [input.compname, input.ins, input.outs ] );
= onesock.readobj();
The RCC client code is even simpler. All it does it to
make a connection to the specified server host and port. Then client put user
specified component name, inputs and desired outputs into a package of vector
format, write to the socket. The last step is simply waiting for the results to
come back from server.
The below line of Luban
script will start the RCC server at port 9600.
The below several lines of code dispatch the work
separated to multiple parts and send them simultaneously to the server and wait
for them to finish.
client = luban::demo::RCCClient(); =
client.port = 9600;
, inputs={“vectosum”:[1,2,3,4]}, outs=”sumofvec”).results &
client(compname=”myns::supercalc”, inputs={“vectosum”:[5,6,7,8]},
outs=”sumofvec”).results &
P3 =
client(compname=”myns::supercalc”, inputs={“vectosum”:[9,10,11,12]},
outs=”sumofvec”).results &
= P1+P2+P3;
Above code construct a RCC client to talk the server
running on “” at port 9600. Through the connection,
client calls the component named “myns::supercalc” to summarize numbers in a
vector. It dispatches three calls in different thread to summarize three
vectors simultaneously, wait for them to come back. Finally it then adds up the
three results to get the grand total.
Using reflection and networking, we build a very
practical and useful RCC client/server system. There many ways to improve it in
practice. One straight forward way is to run the RCC server on a virtual server
that may dispatch jobs to a server cluster. Since cluster can probably handle
the load balancing by itself, it is transparent to Luban user. For Luban user
the unlimited power of parallel computer is now available at their finger tips.
From above example RCC system, we can see that it is
powerful to combine reflection and parallel network computing together in
Luban. Luban makes a perfect environment to dispatch parallel jobs and
synchronize them. With Luban, you have the infinite capacity of cheap computing
power from server farm. You can attach problem of any complexity as far as the
problem itself can be divided and conquered as smaller problems.
Simplicity in character, in manners, in
in all things the supreme excellence is
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
To run Luban code, we use a simple Luban interpreter named, surprise, “luban”. This luban interpreter takes Luban code in the files and runs them through.
The same Luban interpreter can also run in interactive mode. In this mode you can explore the content of Luban name space, and do interactive scripting. The things the interpreter can do are actually quite simple. Though I believe it serves its purpose.
It is very simple to run Luban source code in the form of files. All you need to do is to put them on the command line when you start Luban interpreter. For example:
In file
“saygood.lbn” type in below Luban code:
is good”);
In file
“saybad.lbn” type in below Luban code:
is bad”);
At the command
prompt of your operating system, type below:
Mycomputer > luban saygood.lbn
is good
is bad
You can see that Luban interpreter takes the Luban script file and runs them in the same order of the command line.
There are different Luban source code file type than Luban script file. They are Luban component definition module files that only define Luban component structure without invoking any. You can freely mix Luban component definition code files with script files and Luban interpreter will handle them automatically. For example:
In file
“saygood.lbn” type in below Luban code:
std::println(obj=”World is good”);
In file
“saybad.lbn”, type in below Luban code:
std::println(obj=”World is bad”);
In file
“start.lbn” type in below Luban code:
At the command
prompt of your operating system, type below:
Mycomputer > luban saybad.lbn start.lbn
is good
is bad
You get the same result as our first example. Though this time we used a different code structure. This time, saygood.lbn and saybad.lbn define two Luban component structure instead of two directly executable scripts. And the two component structures defined by saygood.lbn and saybad.lbn are invoked by the script inside start.lbn.
Luban always processes the component definition before running any script file, that’s why the order between script file and component definition file does not matter to Luban interpreter.
One more thing we want to mention is that the order of Luban component definition files doesn’t matter either. Luban read all component files into memory and handles the inter-dependency automatically so user don’t have to worry about as far as all components are presented at the command line.
Below command
will start Luban interpreter in interactive mode
Mycomputer > luban –i
6 imported types
script/s - to start
edit/e - to edit script using $EDITOR or vi
<namespace name> - to browse name space
quit/q - to quit
Luban> _
Flag –i lets Luban interpreter get into interactive mode. In interactive mode, user can type in command to check the content of Luban namespace, enter Luban script and run it. For Luban Beta1.2 or higher, user can invoke external editor to edit Luban script. The following examples show how these command work.
Mycomputer > luban –i
> list std
std::console std::console
std::deserializer std::deserializer
std::file std::file
std::print std::print(input readwrite obj;)
std::des std::des(input readwrite string
stream;output readonly obj;)
std::printline std::printline(input readwrite obj;)
std::println std::printline(input readwrite obj;)
Above example
uses “list” command to list the content in Luban namespace “std”. Using “list”
without specify namespace name will list all the content at the root of Luban
Mycomputer > luban –i
> script
Hello, world
The above example users “script” command to start entering Luban script directly at command console. Pressing ESC key followed by ENTER will stop the entering of script and Luban will take the code that you have entered and run it through. In above example user entered a line of code and the running result is to print out “Hello, world” on screen.
Mycomputer > luban –i
> edit
Above command will invoke an external editor for user to edit Luban program. Luban will take what users edited in the external editor and run it through. It is probably more convenient than directly input at command console. User can specify external editor to use by defining “EDITOR” environment variable, like below example
Mycomputer > export EDITOR=xemacs
If the editor is
not specified, Luban will try to use traditional UNIX editor “vi”. If failed to
invoke, Luban will report editor error.
The external
editor feature is only available for Linux version and Cygwin+Windows. The
binary package for windows does not have this feature, unless user already has
a working Cygwin installed.
Below are more command line arguments that can be used to control the behavior of interpreter.
· -t <filename>
This flag is to specify the name of the file that lists all the data types imported from other languages like C++ in the form of shared library. If this argument is not specified, Luban uses a default imported type list file, which is either /usr/lib/luban/imports or environemtn variable $LUBAN_HOME/imports. More details of data type importing can be found in chapter 10.
· -s <Luban code>
Use this flag you can put a short line of Luban code in the command line when starting Luban interpreter. And Luban interpreter will run the code, like below example:
Mycomputer > luban –s
· All other arguments other than above flags will be taken as Luban source code file names. And all the non-component Luban script files will be run in the order of their command line position.
The power of role model is infinite.
- Mao Zedong
Using Luban programming language and its networking and file utilities, it is very easy to write a simple topic based messaging system. Client can subscribe and publish message by topic, while server accepts client subscription, receive topic message update and broadcast to subscribing clients. The code required to implement such a messaging system is very small. And they are completely listed below.
namespace luban::demo;
stationary struct MsgServiceConfig
static readonly
host = "localhost";
static readonly
subport = 9876;
static readonly
pubport = 9877;
static topics
= {:};
SubService( )
as process
subport = net::listener(
::MsgServiceConfig.subport );
while ( true )
sck = subport.accept();
topic = sck.readobj();
std::println(obj=”subscriber for “+topic);
first = false;
if ( not
::MsgServiceConfig.topics.contains( topic ) )
::MsgServiceConfig.topics[topic] =
[null, []];
first = true;
if ( not first )
::MsgServiceConfig.topics[topic][0] );
struct PubService( )
as process
pubport = net::listener(
::MsgServiceConfig.pubport );
while ( true )
sck = pubport.accept();
pack = sck.readobj();
topic = pack[0];
value = pack[1];
( not ::MsgServiceConfig.topics.contains(topic) )
::MsgServiceConfig.topics[topic] = [
value, [] ];
= value;
foreach( sub in
::MsgServiceConfig.topics[topic][1] )
struct PubSubServer()
as process
The messaging server code consists of several
components. The first one MsgServiceConfig is actually a shared data holder. It
contains several static properties that are accessible for cross different
Luban structures. The static properties save the information like server host
name and port number. There are two ports open on the server, one to accept
incoming subscription, another one to accept incoming topic updates. The
essential data property is the one named “topics”. It is initialized as an
empty map, it is to contain all the topics and their value, plus all the
subscriber’s socket data. The key to the map is message topic. And the value of
in the map is a two element vector. The first element is the value of the
topic, while the second one is a vector containing all the subscriber’s
connection sockets.
The execution logic of the server is coded into two structures.
One structure “SubService” is to handle subscription request. It accepts the
incoming request, look up the topic in the shared data map and put the socket
into the vector associated with the topic subscribed. Another structure
“PubService” accepts the message topic updating request. It takes the topic and
value of the update, looks up the data map, update the value of the topic, then
send out the updated message to each of the subscriber through the saved socket
namespace luban::demo;
asynch struct Subscriber
string topic;
as process
ack =
while ( true )
= socket.readobj();
= newdata;
struct Publisher
as process
ack =
= ack;
struct SubClient
as composition
struct PubClient()
as process
console = std::console();
line = console.readline();
tandv = line.split();
ack = ::Publisher(topic=tandv[0],
The above client code are separated into “Subscriber”
and “Publisher”. The logic of both structure are very simple. Subscriber
connects to the message server on specific host and port, send the topic to
subscribe to, then it holds the socket and listen to any update and send
received update its output property so the downstream components can process
the update. You may notice that this “Subscriber” structure is asynch. And it is purposely design to be
so. Asynch structure fit naturally
with network messaging service because it runs in a different thread and put
all its output in queue. The “Publisher” also connects to the message server
though on different port. It simply sends the topic of message and the message
itself in a two element vector. “Publisher” is a regular structure, instead of asynch.
The other two structures are for testing purpose. The
“SubClient” structure is compositional, it simply connects a “Subscriber” to a “std::println”
structure. So every updates the “Subscriber” gets from network will be printed
out to standard output by the “std::println” structure. The “PubClient” simply
read line from standard input in the format of “topic message” and call the
“Publisher” structure to publish the topic and message.
You can see from above sample code that the messaging
system is practically useful though the coding of it is very simple. This
simple layer present the network communication function in a topic based format
that is far simpler and easier than the socket.
One potential improvement to this simple messaging
service is to expand it to a messaging/database hybrid system. Put it simply,
if we persist all messages to a file system, it becomes a simple name key based
database system. And things saved in it can be any Luban object. The hybrid
system can be very interesting to use because it not only saves the data by
name, it can broadcast the updated new data to subscribers cross the network.
I got a head full of ideas,
And that are drivin’ me insane.
- Maggie’s Farm, Bob Dylan
There are many things that can be done to fully
realize or expand the power of Luban programming language and paradigm. A few
of them are listed below.
Luban Studio: A
spreadsheet like IDE
This is an integrated part of Luban development environment.
It is actually its IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The goal of this
component is to hit home the intuitiveness and simplicity of Luban by
presenting it in a GUI interface. One major advantage of this IDE is to enable
Luban user to do composition in a way almost the same as spreadsheet
construction. It will be immediately understandable for anyone who can use
spreadsheet, even if he/she has never done programming before.
This Luban Studio may also include functionalities
that are commonly used for programmers, including debugger, version control and
cross network common component repository. The goal is to make Luban Studio a
platform on which people build and share software components.
GUI widget
components for Windows, Linux and Java
It would be instantly
gratifying for Luban programmers if they could easily construct an application
with GUI within Luban’s infrastructure. Luban has built-in space designed to
put GUI widget, which is asynchronous structure. The goal of this component is
to wrap commonly used GUI widgets as asynchronous structures and put in Luban
name space, including Windows, Linux and even Java GUI widget.
As soon as the GUI widget
available as Luban components, they can be easily used as any other Luban
components. Imagine wiring GUI components in a composition model, it is hard to
get anything more intuitive than that.
Closure for Luban
It could be convenient to put
a piece of code into an ad hoc closure with a name and run it as many times as
you wish.
It could be easier than Luban/C++ bridge because Java
has a built-in reflection mechanism. This bridge will enable exporting Java
classes and member functions into Luban, possibly including an API to let Java
call Luban component too. This one is actually done in Luban Beta 2.0.
Luban SQL Utility
It is simple to build a
db.mysql data type for Luban to run SQL statement on a MySQL or any relational
database server. Since Beta 2.0 Luban can access any DBMS through JDBC.