How to Use String and Container Types



1.      String

String is a very useful data type. Almost every script people write involves some string manipulation. Luban offers a rich set of tools to do that easily. String type key word is string. The below example Luban code shows operations for string type.


1.1  Basic Set of Operators


Read/write with indexing:

            s = “Hello”; c = s[1]; // c is ‘e’

            s = “Hello”; s[0] = ‘h’; // s becomes “hello”


      Data member iteration:

            s = “Hello”;

foreach( c in s ) std::console().write( c );  // will print out Hello


      Arithmetic like operators

            s = “Hello”*2;  // result is “HelloHello

            s = -“Hello”; // result is “olleH

            s = “Hello” + “World”; // result “HelloWorld


1.2  Member functions


            // The split() function that everyone wants

            s = “Hello World”;

words = s.split( ); // words is a vector [“Hello”, “World”]


            // trim white space from front and back

            s = “     Hello”;

            s.trimfront();  // s becomes “Hello”

            s. = “Hello     \n\t”;

            s.trimback(); // s become “Hello”




            index=s.find(“Hell”); // index = 0

            index2=s.find(“Hell”,2); // index = null, faled to find Hell starting from index 2l

            index3=s.find(“Heaven”); // index3 = null  failed to find

            truth=s.contains(“Hell”); // truth = true

            sub=s.substr(2,3); // sub=”ll” from index 2 to index 3


            // content manipulation


            s.replace(“Hell”, “Heaven”); // now s becomes “Heaveno

            s.lower(); // s becomes “heaveno”;

            s.upper(); // s = “HEAVENO”

            s.remove(6); // s=”HEAVEN”, with 0 at index 6 removed

            s.remove(“A”); // s=”HEVEN”;

            s.insert(1, “A”); // s=”HEAVEN”;

            s.clear(); // s=””


2.      Vector, Map and Set

Vector type key word is vector.

            x = 1; y=2; z=3; v = [x,y,z,4]; // v = [ 1,2,3,4]

            v[0] = 10; // v = [10,2,3,4]

            total = 0;  foreach( element in v ) total += element; // total =

            v.sort(); // v become [2,3,4,10]

            v2 = v+  [11,12,13]; // v2 become [2,3,4,10,11,12,13]

            v2.remove(0); // v2 become [3,4,10,11,12,13]

            v2.removeobj(10);  // v2 become [3,4,11,12,13]

            v3 = [ v2,v2]; // v3 is two dimensional vector


            // push and pop


            x.pushfirst(0); // x =[0,1,2]

            x.pushlast(3); // x=[0,1,2,3]

            y=x.popfirst(); // y=0, x=[1,2,3];

            z=x.poplast(); // y=3, x=[1,2]


            //sub vector


            y=x.subvec(2,3); // y=[2,3]


Map type key word is map. Keys are unique in a map. Code examples:


            x=1; y=2; z = 3;  word2number = { “one” : x, “two” : y,  “three” : z };

            word2number[“four”] = 4; // insert or replace

            word2nubmer.remove(“one”); // remove key “one” and associated 1

            word2number.insert(“two”,2.0); // no impact because key already exist     

            union = word2number + { “five”:5, “six”:6};

            foreach(key,val in word2number ) std::console().writeline(key,’ ‘,val); // iterate

            emptymap = {:};


Set key word is set. Set is simply a collection of unique values. See examples:

            oneset = { 1,  “hello”, 3.14 };

            another = { 1,2};

            union = oneset + another;  // union = { 1,2,”hello”,3.14}

            minus = oneset – another ; // minus = { “hello”, 3.14}, common values removed

            joint = oneset – minus; // joint = {1}, the common values of oneset and another

            foreach( val in oneset ) std::console().writeline(val);  // iterate

            emptyset = {};


Casting operations among vector, set and map:

            oneset = { 1,2,3}; onevec = vector(oneset);

            keyvec=[‘a’,’b’]; valvec = [‘A’,’B’]; onemap = map(keyvec, valvec);